I am from
turkey .my name is kaan .40 yo.i am so interested travel in ocians .i tried to learn sailing so I took some courses and amateur seaman certificate but I don’t have real sailing experience afterwards I learned well I wana buy my own sailboat.I stoped
work and I will travel 3 years or more around world before I visit around 70 countries my fb profile is
https://www.facebook.com/kaan0zpay/photos_albums and
email kaanozpay@gmail.com skype and line is also : kaanozpay…
I am totally free and traveling on land and I am these days south
asia in
thailand , soon I will pass newzeland possible anotherwheres so need cominicate.
I can help as crew for anything I have lot of skills cook
repair electronics sports so I hope somebody accept me on their sailboat.