Location: The boat and I are presently in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles; I spend summers in MN.
Boat: Brewer 46 Pilot House Cutter, s/v Lady Diane
Posts: 24
Skipper/Companion Needed for Winter 2008-9
If you have captain-skills and have several months next winter you might join me in sailing my 46 ft sailboat from Venezuela to the Chesapeake Bay. Island to island perhaps or a few long runs - can be planned later. I have the boat and don't want to make the trip alone. Non-smokers, light drinkers only please.
I am a 43-years old sailing woman in Europe (Belgium, North Sea) who wants to go sailing worldwide (I really want to do a circumnavigation one day). I quit my job in Belgium in november 2008, I can rent my house, so at that time, I am available to sail in adventurous ways.
If you are interested, you can always mail me: sigridg@telenet.be