Pardon me if this message is not of proper etiquette as I have never been on any forum. I would have messaged Big Kahuna directly, but since I stumbled across this thread, I thought other
sailing school instructors may also.
I am now trying to get my 10 1/2 D out of my butt since this seasoned computer
engineer from the early days has been chasing jobs for a year. You use your ATM card to get groceries, or gas? I wrote Interlink in 1984 at WFB. Hybrid s/w & h/w
engineer, also HAM operator, plus USCG 200 Ton credential as the result of a dear friend who would not let me say "Uncle." Best compliment was people saying they'd never felt so safe as when my bud Jimbo and I returned under the GG with them. You know when you don't even have to say it, you just know he's ready to tack. Great stuff.
Crewed on 1st place
boat Spinnaker class Friday night races at SF YC two years ago. Lived in
New Zealand 1 yr, 3 mos OZ, 4 mos
Hong Kong, born and fluent in German.
There's got to be a place for all this "resume" type stuff, eh? Wanted to catch BK's attention since after all the shiny stickers at Club Nautique (I greatly respect Mr. Forbes and my Nav instructor Mr. Richards), I ran into Capt Robert McCreary. A natural, albeit controversial bloke. To smell a stink-pot with it's lights out on
SF Bay was pretty amazing to me. It's dark out there.
His instructions to me were get that ASA instructor's credentials. He never answers how, just what. So, that's one reason for this "short" story. My last trip was a
delivery to St. Vincent from Antiqua (my leg) of a gorgeous 46 Fontaine Pajot. Memories are killing me so I'll stop now. Again, sorry if this was inappropriate in length and/or location, but after 35 years in the Silicon Valley, I'm done with diapering another generation of geniuses.