Urgently need 6 paying crew to join a
Beneteau 45' to sail from Mumbai,
India to Muscat, Oman. Total cost for the voyage including hiring the
skipper fee's,
fuel, port charges ect come to 10,000 USD.
I will be contributing 4k but need 6 paying crew to contribute $1000USD each.
No sailing experience required. All crew must have a valid Indian Visa and might possibly need a CDC (Sea Mans Book) but that can be done here in Mumbai.
The vessel belongs to
West Coast Marine Yacht Services PVT LTD.
Please non-drinkers and non-smokers only.
All crew must be in Mumbai by the first week of Feb the latest.
As I’m sure you are all aware, Arabian Sea Voyages are practically extinct.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yacht is equipped with all the goodies,
Depth Sounder,
Radar, Life-Raft, and Auto-Pilot.
Also for anyone interested in
learning celestial navigation, there will be a
sextant on board and am happy to share my knowledge with you.
Serious enquiries only please.
fair winds