Leaving 2014 from Virginia.
Looking for the right person/s who wants to be part of a team.
Experience is not the primary focus.
crew can come and go and join in on different legs
length of commitment will depend on leg involved
Languages, compatibility, attitude, key to becoming crew
Captain is owner and on board most of the time
Ship has been extensively upgraded and in great condition.
If it is not new in last 4 years it has been well serviced.
50 foot
ketch with 3 staterooms, 2 heads, hard top, swim platform
Crew will have say in most aspects as harmony a focus
Cost sharing for day to day expenses, ship costs by
scuba diving, photography/video productions a focus
Send background, photos, hopes, skills offered to the voyage
be patient as on the move
timeforsunandsea at gmail dot com
Safe journeys