Hello all!
My name is Nick, and I am 20 (about to be 21!) years old. I am an undergraduate student studying Earth Science, and I have always wanted to do some cruising. Being from a metropolitan area with relatively little means, I've never done any real sailing. That being said, awhile back I used some of my savings to take the
asa 101 course, and I have sporadically sailed sunfish-type dinghies. As an unscientific gauge of my interest, when I was in high
school, I asked for a subscription to SAIL for my birthday

I have also read a lot of cruising literature, and have a little library of cruising
books I like to
fuel my imagination with.
Back to business. I am looking for a
crewing opportunity in May/June 2013 for 2-4 weeks. I'm
posting this early because I would like to maximize my chances of getting replies. I go to
school in
Texas and have
family in
florida, so ideally I would like to start my journey from one of these to places (or anywhere in between) I may be willing to pay for a one-way ticket back home or vice versa, but I am looking for an unpaid position. Not sure if this is relevant, but I am a certified
emergency medical technician in the state of
Texas and by NREMT.
Even if you don't have a position for me, I would appreciate any feedback or
advice you all have for a young, aspiring cruiser.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,