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Old 06-06-2012, 10:36   #1
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Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.

Looking for an exhaust riser in either form, straight through or the parallel conduit style, so I can make a stainless version.

Any condition, prefer junk since it is only for a pattern.

Or if you have one you want to rent to me or just let me borrow, that'd be great.

Thanks, Tom

tom.verry at gmail dot com
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Old 09-06-2012, 18:38   #2
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Re: Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.

Looks like a riser off of any of these engines would work:

MD2040A, MD2040B, MD2040C, MD2040D.
D1-13A, D1-13B, D1-20A, D120B, D1-30A, D1-30B, D2-40A, D2-40B, D1-13F, D1-20F, D1-30F, D2-40F

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Old 10-06-2012, 06:14   #3
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Re: Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.


On the Yahoo Mantatech usergroup, Chris Blair posted drawings for one he had made (I think - if he didn't, you could contact him for them).

You really don't need an example of one to make one. Just be sure the flange and bolt pattern are correct (use a gasket as a pattern). Also, don't try to make the water injection nipple fit the heat exchanger boot. Simply move it down on the elbow and use a short piece of hose to connect it to the boot instead. It will make your life easier working with it.

And don't you already have two risers for comparison?


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Old 10-06-2012, 06:42   #4
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Re: Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.

I talked to Chris awhile back, he didn't have anything, the shop that made them used an old one for a pattern so there were no drawings.

The boat is in Grenada and I didn't want to carry an old rusty riser back to Colorado with me and I want to make sure the ones I make are going to fit without question, we've got enough going on with other repairs that I want this to be a done deal.

I've seen them come up on ebay occasionally for cheap so I don't think it will be hard to find one.
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Old 14-06-2012, 17:56   #5
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Re: Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.

I changed the whole design to make it simpler and way less expensive. Rather than using a water cooled elbow, I have a hot elbow and inject the water just before the muffler. The hot part of elbow is wrapped in heat insullating tape available in auto part stores. Kudos to SV Salty Paws for the idea.

I made a mock-up out of 1.5" PVC to make sure it fit properly (including flange that bolts to engine) and took that to machine shop. They made the new ones out of 1.5" schedule 40 stainless. They have been on for 3 years and probably 600 hours on each engines. Engines run cooler than before. I tested them in Tampa Bay in the summer when water temp was almost 90 degrees... at 3200 RPM, engines stayed at 170 degrees F.

The new elbows were made by a farm machinery repair shop for $170 ea.
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Greg, SV Cat Tales
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Old 14-06-2012, 20:51   #6
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Re: Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.

Very nice, I like it, no chance of water getting back into the head with that one. Is that a Perkins?

i plan on building something like that though the bend will be less and currently I have a tee in the discharge water line off the back of the heat exchanger. One line goes into the exhaust normally and the other goes out a thru hull with a ball valve inline. The amount of water needed to cool the engine is greater than what is needed to cool and muffle the exhaust. The extra is just more water for the engine to push out.

I have it set to dump about half of the water straight overboard. With the ball valve you can adjust it just right, open it up till it gets loud then close it a little, enough to make it bubble. Gained a noticeable increase in mileage and the oil stays cleaner longer.
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Old 15-06-2012, 08:53   #7
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Re: Volvo Penta MD2030 Exhaust Riser, any cond.

Originally Posted by fareweather View Post
Very nice, I like it, no chance of water getting back into the head with that one. Is that a Perkins?

i plan on building something like that though the bend will be less and currently I have a tee in the discharge water line off the back of the heat exchanger. One line goes into the exhaust normally and the other goes out a thru hull with a ball valve inline. The amount of water needed to cool the engine is greater than what is needed to cool and muffle the exhaust. The extra is just more water for the engine to push out.

I have it set to dump about half of the water straight overboard. With the ball valve you can adjust it just right, open it up till it gets loud then close it a little, enough to make it bubble. Gained a noticeable increase in mileage and the oil stays cleaner longer.
Nice idea with the "t" on the exhaust water.

My engine is a Volvo MD2030B which is identical to Perkins M30 although some of the "bolt-ons" are different.

This picture shows the set-up on a Manta like yours with a MD2030B from SV Salty Paws. The bend looks about the same, but the connection to muffler is vertical while mine is about 45 degrees.
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Greg, SV Cat Tales
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exhaust, md2030, penta, volvo

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