I have an LSZ1 that is practically unused. I bought it new from Sailrite about 12 years ago, and I never got around to doing much canvaswork for my husband's boat. It is in like-new condition, has the monster wheel and the additional available feet.
Do you or a friend winter in Florida? We winter there, in the Clearwater Beach area.
I bought my LSZ about 4 years ago from the sailrite shop in Annapolis. We have since moved to the mountains of North Carolina so I will be offering it and other items from the boatfor sale. It has been used a few times to redo the sunbrella sacrifical strip on the yankee sail, to restich a few seams in the main sail and to restich the sunbrella wheel cover.
My wife does not want to sell that LSZ even though the boat is up for sale and we have moved away from the Cheaspeake. I'll keep trying to convince her that we really don't have a need for it anymore. Sorry...