Looking to buy a used and well-maintained Sailrite sewing machine LSZ-1 Ultrafeed with zigzag. ... at a modest price. I've seen one or two advertised at $700-900, but that's too spendy for me. Gee, if I could afford that price I believe I'd be buying a new machine with a warranty!
Date: 2010-12-30, 4:51PM Sailrite Ultrafeed LSZ-1 Nautilus Blue heavy duty sewing machine. Walking foot. Has upgraded balancing wheel with hand crank for onsite repairs and comes with a 3/4" binder attachment. Sews both straight and zigzag stitches. Excellent condition. Used for heavy canvas and sails. Powerful yet portable machine. Check out some of the you tube movies. $600
You might just be better off buying new. You get a warranty, and GREAT support. You can spend $1-200 on parts on a "good" used machine, easily. We've gotten a TON of use out of ours over the last 2.5 years - and I'm SO GLAD we bought new.
BTW, also check fleabay, and then call Sailrite. They will match a fleabay price, and will often offer a little discount over the phone.
Bill Streep
San Antonio, TX (but cruising) www.janandbill.com
i found an older one in ok shape with the monster wheel for $560 on ebay... it can be done. i was looking for 6 months. it needed $23 in parts that the seller agreed to pay for; wouldn't have needed those pars had they packed it properly for shipping.