18-10-2011, 21:07
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Our Dream Changed
Our story
My name is Mario and my wife is Lyne two new young retired from the Canadian forces and our plan was to travel around the world in our Sailboat Hunter 41DS 2008 that we bought 2 years ago, We were ready to go this year after preparing for the pass 5 years (many ASA courses and hrs of hand on sailing). The beginning of our voyage was schedule for October 2011. But due of my wife knees, back and hips condition that got worst this year we had to change our retired plan, doing sailing is a lot of work and this is not a stable environment (heel) for my wife condition. We decided to change from a sailboat to a power boat like a trawler to live aboard and travel the east coast through the center America then on west coast and back, for the next 4 to 5 years taking our time and visiting places on a slow pace.
We have a beautiful house on a golf course than we wanted to keep for after our trip but with the change in our retired plan we decide to sales our sailboat, the house and cars to allowed us the upgrade to a trawler (the cost to operate sailboat vs trawler $$$$).
I sent you some picture of the sailboat, house and cars to have a look and In case somebody some where has some interest in our asset or has good idea. Lot of Canadian owner has there boat for sale all over the USA we never know.
Until we sale our asset we are open on trade them for trawler plus getting cash for the différence. We are looking for a trawler 34’ a 41’ from 2008 to 2010 The time frame is not an important factor, but has to be in a reasonable period in order to enjoy the trip during the time we are still able to do it.
Not too many people have dream likes us. We work hard for many years to build a retirement plan to enjoy.
Thanks you any replay. We are open to suggestion
Mario & Lyne
18-10-2011, 22:24
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I have no idea of the economics of it all, but have you considered a catamaran sailboat instead? No heel, no tight spaces. If you outfit it properly, you will be able to single-hand the boat so if your wife is having a bad day, she won't need to help with trim or anything.
Just want to throw out the option. PM me if you want to talk more about it.
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19-10-2011, 00:47
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Certainly don't throw out the auxiliary power of a mast. Most power boats come with just one engine, it breaks or runs out of fuel and it stops. Motor sailors make for easier sailing, less sail and heel, more use of power, cheaper to run, more mods cons, more options for progress in poor weather.
There is also the option of reducing your mast height (sail area) on what you have, adding fuel tankerage, heating etc. Depends how much you like what you've got and if it's OK for long cruises. Personally I find sailing the easiest part of life on my old knees, mainly 'cos I'm sat down most of the time.
Trawlers? Ugh.
Ex Prout 31 Sailor, Now it's a 22ft Jaguar called 'Arfur' here in sunny Southampton, UK.
A few places left in Quayside Marina and Kemps Marina.
19-10-2011, 03:26
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Hi Guys...
I'd opt for the Catamarran vote as well... they've two engines (in the main), run much more economically under motor and can turn on a dime making parking a doddle... great for skipper AND crew.
They are more stable than a mono of any type so easier to move around on... big plus...
and the accomodation is splendid in comparison both in space and convinience...
Go Multihull...
Hell... you might get to keep your house as well..

You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...
19-10-2011, 05:19
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Re: Our Dream Changed
I'm not going to try to talk you into/out of anything and hope your plans work out for you.
Don't ask a bunch of unknown forum people if it is OK to do something on YOUR boat. It is your boat, do what you want!
19-10-2011, 05:23
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Don't give up!
My wife has a degenerative spinal disease that made it impossible for her to do more than keep watch when I needed to go below, so she could call me if something needed attention. I set our boat up for single-handed sailing, and we spent some of the best years of our lives cruising the Chesapeake Bay and the West Indies. I had friends crew with me for the long offshore passages between the States and the islands, and my wife and the cat would fly down to join me.
You can find a way to make it work!
19-10-2011, 11:25
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Looking at your assets I'm impressed at the level of paycheck in the Canadian armed forces !!!!!!!!
People spend time putting little boats in bottles, me I put bottles in my little boat...
19-10-2011, 11:44
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Re: Our Dream Changed
When I read that post I'm wondering if it is genuine.... the wording, mistyping etc make me think of the spam email we received from Nigeria or else ..............
in my family there was a lot of military personel... never this kind of assets even in our dreams
People spend time putting little boats in bottles, me I put bottles in my little boat...
19-10-2011, 13:23
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Originally Posted by Alecadi
When I read that post I'm wondering if it is genuine.... the wording, mistyping etc make me think of the spam email we received from Nigeria or else ..............
in my family there was a lot of military personel... never this kind of assets even in our dreams
Sory for my English but we are french, We work are ass off to get those asset, we build 3 houses by ourselves before this one , it toke 35 years to get where we are.
this has nothing do do with the military if you dream of something you work for it, there is no freebie in life.
Mario & Lyne
19-10-2011, 13:32
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Your english is just fine Mario, beaucoup meilleur que mon français!
Good luck with adapting your dreams...
Not trying to influence you one way or the other but have you considered the cat option? And what was your decision based on?
ain't what ya do, it's the way that ya do it...
19-10-2011, 13:36
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Welcome to CF. I would support the idea to look at a catamaran. I have never owned one but sailed extensively on a friends in NZ. They sail flat and smooth and with my experience with power there is no glide through the water as their is under sail and that could also adversely affect your wife's condition. Constant vibration and plowing into waves.
Whatever way you go best of luck.
When I was a boy my momma would send me down to the corner store with $1 and I would come back with 5 potatoes, 2 loaves of bread, 3 bottles of milk, a hunk of cheese, a box of tea and 6 eggs. Can't do that now, too many f**kn security cameras.
19-10-2011, 14:07
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Originally Posted by mb075769
Sory for my English but we are french, We work are ass off to get those asset, we build 3 houses by ourselves before this one , it toke 35 years to get where we are.
this has nothing do do with the military if you dream of something you work for it, there is no freebie in life.
Mario & Lyne
I wish my French was as good as your English.
Like others, I would seriously look at a catamaran before you pull the trigger on the trawler. Whatever your decision best of luck. Hard work should have some rewards. And whatever you do don't give up the dream. There is a solution out there.
Mundis Ex Igne Factus Est
19-10-2011, 14:10
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Your reasons to switch to power are pretty much the same as ours. Just one more boat, so its got to last until we are both quite unable to keep sailing. The dinghy is for sailing.
19-10-2011, 14:22
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Thanks for your input , we never give up our dream just make it better for both of US.
19-10-2011, 14:37
Armchair Bucketeer
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Re: Our Dream Changed
Originally Posted by Alecadi
Looking at your assets I'm impressed at the level of paycheck in the Canadian armed forces !!!!!!!!
Just because you work for "da man" for 8 or 12 hours a day don't mean you can't work for yourself during the other hours.......
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