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Old 18-12-2008, 15:56   #1
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O'Day 30 Florida Keys

Following the sudden death of my Father( not on his boat ) I have acquired a 30ft Overday sailboat, currently resided at Key Largo vicinity on a free anchorage.

Being no keen sailor after North Sea experiences from a small child I have visited the boat with the expectation of a quick sale, no pun intended.

However, after a pleasent night aboard I am a little loathed to sell a quality boat like this, ( my father had cruised the Bahamas, and from Jacksonville south in his travels ). It is prepared with fridge, solar, inverter, generator and autohelm and has been lived aboard for the past 3 years. I have been offered the opportunity to give it to a sail-club in exchange for a week or two use. I'm told the value is under £5000 because of the terrible economy ?? At this price I'd rather keep it and let friends use it or evan hire it out myself.

Basically can anyone help as to the real value in the Keys of an O'Day 30 in good but used condition
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Old 18-12-2008, 15:58   #2
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Look up like boats on Yachtworld. It does not matter where it is. Keep in mind that boats are not selling right now so the asking price and the ultimate sale price will sometimes be wide apart.
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Old 18-12-2008, 16:11   #3
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Firstly, please accept our condolences on your unexpected loss of your father. I know how difficult that can be and, afterward, how hard it can be to let one's father's things go.

As for the boat, an O'Day 30 is a fine moderate yacht and well suited for cruising the southwest Florida coast and Keys. If you are interested in offereing the yacht for charter, you might want to contact which does offer charters of smaller, older yachts, provided thay have been well maintained.

If you like, we are located in the Sarasota, Florida, area and will be happy to share any information we can about cruising the So-west Coast.


s/v HyLyte
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Old 20-12-2008, 20:22   #4
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Sorry to hear about your loss
I am looking to sail in the keys in January; I own a 1990 hunter 35.5 on Lake Saint Clair Michigan. I would like to rent your boat if you are interested. Jeff
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Old 24-12-2008, 01:07   #5
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Thanks for the advice.

I am in discussion with a Captain in Florida whom can deal with the day to day dealings of this venture. We have some tidying and paper-work to sort out and I will be advertiseing ASAP.

Thanks Jeff, I'll drop a PM with some proper photos of the vessel.
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Old 25-12-2008, 00:58   #6
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sorry for your loss as well, but you might want to make it part of the deal with the captain that he takes you out some times for nothing. it was your fathers dont go walking away with out saying hello to it every so often

joking part

or give it to me and i will take you out when ever you want on the chessy
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Old 25-12-2008, 06:51   #7
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Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing.

I too grew up sailing on the cold and stormy North Sea and understand your reservations about that sort of sailing BUT - Key Largo and the NS are opposites!

One is grey, windy and you wear sweaters and weather gear">foul weather gear. The Keys are warm, there is that strange orange blob in the sky with heat and foul weather gear is a T shirt over a bathing suit!

Do try it, you may like it!

Merry Christmas.
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Old 28-12-2008, 20:32   #8
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I am going to be in the Keys in might want to consider chartering it.

Keep the price low. I know of a good captain and lodge owners down there that might be able to assist you.
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Old 28-12-2008, 21:43   #9
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Hello, I couldn't help but notice the thread. I am considering a liveaboard lifestyle. I am curious what is the cost of keeping a boat like that at dock yearly and is that price in u.s.dollar? Appreciate it. Don't mean to butt in and be rude considering the situation. My condollences.
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Old 01-01-2009, 12:43   #10
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I think to dock it the prices are pretty high. I understand there to be 'free' anchorages about where the few people I have met stay. The marianer charges $150 a month for parking, dingy key, shower and facilities.
There are moorings available with cable TV and power and water piped out, but I dont know the cost.
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Old 01-01-2009, 13:23   #11
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Sorry for your loss.
As has been noted, the Fla. Keys is NOT the North Sea.
Google < O'Day 30 >, and you'll see them listed anywhere from $15,000 uo to $30,000 (and more).
Gord May
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Old 01-01-2009, 13:33   #12
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Thanks for all the supportive posts.

After deliberation and advice taken I value the boat at about $13k, given the current condition.

Yes, after staying on the boat I fully understand the Keys is certainly NOT similar in any fashion to the North Sea. I am trying to persude my wife as the merits of a boat 4000 miles away, and with some charter I would hope to improve the condition and pay for flights to visit in order to learn and sail. She however can see the merits of a new kitchen and car .

We'll all be there from Jan 15th so I hope Florida can work its magic on the wife and the kids and they'll be desperate to return!!

Happy New Year Everyone.
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Old 01-01-2009, 14:24   #13
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Originally Posted by hideaway View Post
I think to dock it the prices are pretty high. I understand there to be 'free' anchorages about where the few people I have met stay. The marianer charges $150 a month for parking, dingy key, shower and facilities.
There are moorings available with cable TV and power and water piped out, but I dont know the cost.
Quick question, Where did you find moorings with TV, power and water on the moorings? That would be a neat trick. Be cautious of anchoring in some of the "live-aboard anchorages" since unattended boats tend to have things go missing after a while and Floriduh is regulating these anchorages out of existence. We were based out of Marathon for 10 years so know the Keys fairly well.
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Old 10-01-2009, 06:46   #14
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Where do you have the boat listed with pictures? Would like to see pictures of her. I am looking for a 30 to 32 footer.


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