Originally Posted by amarinesurveyor
Only two have sold in the last 5 years-
One 1976 model for $18,000 in 12/2007
One 1988 model for $39,000 in 01/2011
I have seen 5 sell or taken off the market on yachtworld alone in the past year. The only one that
sold for a higher price than the '88 you listed was a '98 very well equiped, and that sold for $43,000 with an almost new
trailer. Also last listed price is rarely what the real price is. Granted thats only yachtworld. There are 4 including this one and the lone yachtworld
boat on another listing site, all with sky high prices for their age/condition.
Originally Posted by benjiwoodboat
This particular Nor'sea Daphne is very well equipped and in very good condition, so if I was clever, I'd assume it'd fall in the upper end of the $28-62k range. From what I've seen, boat prices are usually pretty systematic, and determined by condition, equipment, age.
2007 price$? Thats before the near total collapse of the boat market, and every other market for that matter. If i remember correctly yours was in better condition and better equipt than daphne, and you sold her right before everything went to hell. If i had a place nearby to store and
work on her over the
winter, i would be really tempted to make an offer. But it certainly wouldnt be anywhere near the asking price. Hopefully she can sell at a good price before
winter sets in, if not maybe i will give her another look in the spring when reality sets in
Originally Posted by SaltyMonkey
Norseas do sell quick on the market, as I have been tracking em the last 2 years when they (rarely) do come out. Prices seem to range as said above with typically at the higher end since most are well taken care of.
I have been watching them for years as well, and generally the only ones that sell quick are the ones that are realistically priced, and without trailers. For some reason people think a 20-30 year old
trailer adds $10,000 to the price. I guess it really depends on definition of quick. In this market any boat that sells is quick :P
I enjoy watching the
boats get listed in the fall at high asking prices, and watching them go down in price as the winter marches on, finally to be sold at half the original price. Look at the '92 on yachtworld now. its been there for a couple of months and they already dropped the price $8,000.
As for rarity, not really sure about that, i've seen atleast 12 in last 2 years and i would be surprised not to see another 3-4 this fall, not counting the 4 on the market currently. If you really wanted one they are out there for the taking.