I may be wrong, but the boat is a Bakewell-White designed 44'
racing boat built by Gary Smith in Hobart. I think that the aluminium mast quote was through Ian Brett Spars and the carbon fiber was through... hmmm; can't remember the company, but the rep was Peter Fletcher.
Ian Brett is currently cruising his boat around
Tonga, Noumea etc (half his luck). The last job he did before he left was new standing rigging for my boat

and his
price was excellent. Not sure when he will be back, but he has all sorts of electrickery set up on his boat, so you might be able to contact him by e-mail. I won't post his address here, send me a PM if you want it.
Pete Fletcher is, frankly, just a rep (and a halfway-decent semi-pro sailor, but a nice bloke), but can probably furnish you with a quote. I don't have "Fletch's" number but there is a fair chance I will see him around the traps in the next few days... if so I can get his number or e-mail address. Again, let me know if you are interested.
I should add that the prices I quoted are only "gossip" around the club; I haven't seen any hard quotes. If I am way off the mark, as is certainly possible, I will be sorry for having wasted your time. Nevertheless, it is certainly worth a
phone call or e-mail