I was cleaning out my tool bag today and found a Navico/Simrad mounting bracket. This is the 1.5 inch or about 25MM drop bracket. I have no need for it, and if I remember right it has been in the bottom of the bag for nearly 10 years. If anyone can use it, send me a basic idea where you are at, I will try to figure out how much it will cost and I will ship it to you for the actual mail cost. I should be able to fit it into a large envelope, so should not be that much.
Now if you happen to have a Starboard Nav light, Series 20 by Aqua Signal in exchange ,that would be nice, if not, well no big deal.
I guess you could reply here or send me a PM.
Oh, just the black mounting bracket, not the silver pin that is also in the picture.
Speedo, tried to send you a PM back, but I think your box is full, so I will just post that PM below;
Hi, sorry, but GDB has called it, just waiting for him to paypal the shipping cost. If he chooses not to send the shipping cost, ( I belive it was 7.50 to OR from FL) I will let you know.