Last year I bought 4 Hipower
LIFEPO4 cells from electric1 ( a CF member) and his excellent BMS system. Four of these make up a 200ah
battery. I decided I wanted 400ah, so I odered four more from a dealer in the US. After a 8 week wait for shipment from
China, I opened the box to find 4 200ah cells of a different form factor, not matching what I have.
So they agreed to send me 4 more. After about 4 weeks, I got the new cells, and yes, you guessed it, the wrong ones again. UGH. Then the dealer got flakey, and I think maybe in financial troubles, so they were less than helpful in correcting the situation. I just wanted eight cells that matched!
The dealer told me of a customer, a concrete cutting company in MI, that had 24 cells, where three were mis-matched (thus not balancing correctly) that were at the customers, waiting for return to the dealer. He tried to get that guy to send me eight, be he was unwilling to unpack them and ship part of the 24, as they were already shrink wrapped and boxed on a pallet. THe dealer was not willing to pay to ship them to their site, and the send me 8. I countered that I would pay for the
shipping to me, if I owned all them after the fact, and he went for it.
I got the cells, culled out the mismatched ones (they were a different model #, and c rate). I have installed eight of these, and am very happy with them. They replaced 4 t-105s, have at least 50% more usable capacity, at almost 1/2 the weight.
SO,,,, I have some cells
for sale:
(12) 2010 manufacture date, slightly used. These will require the terminals to be drilled for interconnect
cables. Approx 13.1in tall, 8.75 wide and 2.78 wide each cell. wired in series/parallel, thus would make a 600ah bank, and would replace a 800-100ah conventional bank, at 16 lbs a cell. $125 each,
(4) 2010 manufacture date, unused except for testing. These are the ones I bought from electric1. To replace a 300-400ah bank, or a super starting
battery. $150 each 600a continuous discharge, 200a charge!
(4) 2011 manufacture date, unused. These are shorter and fatter, I'll get the dimensions tomorrow. To replace a 300-400ah bank, or a super starting battery $225 each 600a continuous discharge, 200a charge!
They are all manufactured by Hipower.
Hipower | LiFePO4 battery manufacturer
Shipping on the buyer. All are boxed for shipment.