This is a SHORT shaft, 25 HP
4 stroke Honda 25 HP
outboard. Manual (rope) start and tiller
steering. Has 12v 4amp
charging port. Purchased this
outboard from Defender in 2008, it was a NEW (old stock) 2004 model with a 5 year warranty (that began at the time of sale). I have just checked with
Honda and there are a full 2 years left on the fully transferable factory warranty. This
motor has ZERO hours on it and has always been stored indoors. I was planning on using it on a skiff I was thinking of building but plans have changed and now this outboard is no longer suitable for the new plans. The ONLY run time on this
motor is the mandatory dealer prep performed by Defender before they released the motor to me. This is the 3 cylinder 25 HP, not the 2 cylinder 20 HP block.... $2500. A great motor at about $1K less than a new one. Located in RI.