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Old 07-02-2013, 05:48   #106
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Going back to Max's original post, and his whole idea of getting a sail-away condition boat donated outright, it seems he might have better luck asking for a yearlong loan of a boat, renewable if all parties are happy; or a low-cost longterm charter. I think many of the owners with unused or underused boats would be much more amenable to this than simply signing over title to a perfectly good boat.

In any case, good luck, Max. We would all love to hear how this ends up.
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Old 07-02-2013, 06:06   #107
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Good luck to you Max, but mostly to your kids.
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Old 07-02-2013, 06:08   #108
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Max needs to reflect on what reality is, with the help of medical professionals. Mauritz
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Old 07-02-2013, 06:10   #109
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Originally Posted by Teknav View Post
Max needs to reflect on what reality is, with the help of medical professionals. Mauritz
I've heard good things about the Dr T Leary technique....
but then maybe he's on treatment already...
PS; if anyone wants a free Corribee 21 the offer still stands

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Old 07-02-2013, 06:54   #110
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

last free cruising sailboat i saw in person sank on its way out of the san diego was cruise ready......for neptune.

good luck finding a cruise ready sailboat with actual cruise readiness.

i know of a cruise ready ct54 but they want money for it--REAL money....

btw--welcome to cf.....
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Old 07-02-2013, 07:45   #111
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
PS; if anyone wants a free Corribee 21 the offer still stands
is it too early to share details about the replacement?

Whilst I would love to have another Corribbee (leaving aside she appears to have a few issues - and likely FREE will be very basic!) just in the wrong place and time for me .

Depending on your future plans, what about mentioning the boat and location over on Boat in the right size bracket as theirs - the idea being that you get either a go on their boat, or simply it's use as free accomadation (most of the folks are in the States), in exchange they get a free boat! for local sailing in a far off and exotic land that own boat would never get to......and disposal then becomes their problem!.....or the same idea on CF, except you may well get a bigger boat in exchange, and they simply use the Corribee as a day / weekend sailor in conjunction with shoreside accomadation.....for someone would be a cheap way of seeing a part of Europe, including by boat.

Anyway, just an idea.
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:06   #112
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

At least this guy is not teaching his kids to steal,and there is never any harm in asking...I think his biggest problem will be a "becareful for what you ask for you might get it" type of thing,what if someone gives you a 40 ft sailboat ,then what?..good luck to you ....
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:34   #113
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Originally Posted by tropicalescape View Post
At least this guy is not teaching his kids to steal,and there is never any harm in asking...I think his biggest problem will be a "becareful for what you ask for you might get it" type of thing,what if someone gives you a 40 ft sailboat ,then what?..good luck to you ....

No doubt....

The marina has asked for your insurance paperwork... New documentation... Don't forget taxes...Two of your thru-hulls need immediate attention, your shaft log is soft and leaking.... Oh.. and it's the first of the month... We need your slip fees sir... Forgot/couldn't afford to get towing insurance??? Glad you are safe... Now...About this bill sir...
In the harsh marine environment, something is always in need of repair...

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Old 07-02-2013, 08:42   #114
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

You mean to tell me, one has to pay ALL these expenses when you own a boat? (It's just cheaper for this guy to fly a kite!) Mauritz
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Old 07-02-2013, 08:42   #115
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Originally Posted by David_Old_Jersey View Post
is it too early to share details about the replacement?

Whilst I would love to have another Corribbee (leaving aside she appears to have a few issues - and likely FREE will be very basic!) just in the wrong place and time for me .

Depending on your future plans, what about mentioning the boat and location over on Boat in the right size bracket as theirs - the idea being that you get either a go on their boat, or simply it's use as free accomadation (most of the folks are in the States), in exchange they get a free boat! for local sailing in a far off and exotic land that own boat would never get to......and disposal then becomes their problem!.....or the same idea on CF, except you may well get a bigger boat in exchange, and they simply use the Corribee as a day / weekend sailor in conjunction with shoreside accomadation.....for someone would be a cheap way of seeing a part of Europe, including by boat.

Anyway, just an idea.
LOL... everything is there but the elbow grease for a good sailboat.. 8hp Suzuki 4stroke L/S not included.. its worth more than the hull right now..

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Old 07-02-2013, 09:02   #116
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Originally Posted by Mike OReilly View Post

I've been reading and chuckling from the sidelines, but this comment by "Max" (not even his real name) is just so laughable as to demand a response. Your request, and especially your subsequent huffy responses, demonstrates a severe lack of basic social skills. My wife, who often deals with developmentally delayed children, describes someone like you as having "poor pragmatics." IOW, someone who is socially out-of-touch. Autism produces this kind of effect. Perhaps "Max" is on the autistic spectrum (I offer this as a serious comment, not as an insult)?

Your comment about having the "free will" to ask any question you want ignores the social context of who we are as human social animals. Not all questions, or requests in this case, are acceptable. To say you have "free will" to ask what you want, is to ignore this basic human fact. Even though you have the "free will" to phrase any question, or indeed do any thing, you cannot expect to do so without social repercussions.

You cannot ask, "Can I have sex with your 10-year-old daughter?" without incurring the wrath of everyone within earshot. If you are caught lying, you will receive the negative judgement of the pack. And if you butt in line or cut someone off on the road, you can expect to receive a frosty response. So while you may have the "free will" to say whatever silly thing pops into your mind, to do so simply ignores the basic reality of living with others.
Ecellent , well said and how true!
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:12   #117
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
LOL... everything is there but the elbow grease for a good sailboat.. 8hp Suzuki 4stroke L/S not included.. its worth more than the hull right now..
But a Corribee is one of those boats that is worth putting some effort into - including for the classic looks .........for the unfamiliar, she is a scaled down version of a real boat , the price being a tad less headroom than a modern 21 footer. On the upside don't look like an upturned skip (dumpster) either! ........and no core (below the waterline or above - including the decks ).

Corribee « The Unified Corribee Website

Boatman's is Yellow(?) - the red ones were better
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:24   #118
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Re: Cruising Sailboat

Originally Posted by HappyMdRSailor View Post
No doubt....

The marina has asked for your insurance paperwork... New documentation... Don't forget taxes...Two of your thru-hulls need immediate attention, your shaft log is soft and leaking.... Oh.. and it's the first of the month... We need your slip fees sir... Forgot/couldn't afford to get towing insurance??? Glad you are safe... Now...About this bill sir...
Its covered under the welfare plan.. and of course its a community marina, with a generous handout for those that ask politely, without any prejudice of course.

As a tax payer, it is my duty to make sure that all wants and entitlement requests are handled promptly and in a satisfactory manner as to not offend any individuals. If such burdens increase my tax rate to so be it!
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:35   #119
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Re: Cruising Sailboat need to be working for my Uncle; Sam. Mauritz
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Old 07-02-2013, 09:37   #120
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Originally Posted by David_Old_Jersey View Post
But a Corribee is one of those boats that is worth putting some effort into - including for the classic looks .........for the unfamiliar, she is a scaled down version of a real boat , the price being a tad less headroom than a modern 21 footer. On the upside don't look like an upturned skip (dumpster) either! ........and no core (below the waterline or above - including the decks ).

Corribee « The Unified Corribee Website

Boatman's is Yellow(?) - the red ones were better
No denying they are pretty little boats mate... its just that at nearly 65 and this being my 14th (I think-could be 13th..) boat I'm kinda sick of 'fixing up'...
May just restrict my sailing to deliveries from now on... if 2013 produces the same mileage as last year (19176) and the year before (7960) I just have not got the time for this stuff...
Also... cannot decide whether to have a go at buffing the faded yellow GRP back to gloss.. or utilise the black and cream paint I've bought.. borrow my mate spray gear and commit the henious sin of a black hull.. cream topsides... they need doing regardless... a few ancient chips and dings to fill n fair....

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