Chart details. Asking $250 for all not including
1) West Indies: Really the entire
Caribbean, Gulf and North Atlantic up to
Bermuda framed by Central and
South America. Scale 1:4,250,000. This chart provides context and maybe
passage planning. We had it on the wall of the
salon to always let us know where we were in relationship to where we were. Published by Defense Mapping Ageny,
copyright 2000
2) SE Coast of N America, but actually Gulf of
Maine to
Bahamas including northern portion of
leeward islands (Barbuda in the SE corner, Cayman's in the SW corner). Scale 1:3,500,000. DMA.
3) Venezuela Cabo Codera to Cabo San Roman. Imray-Iolaire D2 very nice
water proof paper. You don't really want to visit Venezuela, but these cover Los Roques which is cool as well as the ABC's. Scale 1:583,700
Aruba /
Bonaire Imray-Iolaire D231 scale 1:75,000 with smaller scale for the harbors. Bonaire is actually very easy as you pick up a
mooring (really nice double moorings), no
anchoring is allowed.
Eastern Panama - San Blas is not as well covered by the electronic charts so here I went deeper on the paper
5) Punta San Blas to
Bahia Conception scale 1:48,64
Chichime to Punta Rincon and Approach to Golfo de San Blas Scale 1:75,000
Approaches to Cristobal scale 1:75,000 This cover you from San Blas to the
These three cover the San Blas Islands to the
canal with plenty of detail. If you went further north to Boca del Torres you'd need another chart.
6) Panama to Bahia Pina scale 1:200,000 This is the Las Perlas islands on the
west coast of Panama, a day sail from Panama City. It also covers the SW coast of Panama where you probably won't go.
Galapagos at 1:600,000 None of the charts for the Galpagos are very good and that includes the electronic charts. You have to use the nav aids and eyeballs on approach and
anchoring. The electronic charts will show you sitting on land or somewhere else than where you really are sitting.
7a) Oddly I have nothing for the
Marquesas. They are pretty straight ahead with lots of deep
water and no
French Polynesia
Tuamotus - Makemo to Tatakoto scale 1:592,000
Tahiti to Rangiroa and Makemo scale 1:595,000
These would get you through the Tuamotus to Tahiti / Moorea for passages, with enough detail to get you to the pass on each reef, but no small scale stuff. The small scale stuff frankly isn't that valuable because the depths go from 2,000' to 50' to "oh ****" in about 50yards. The nav aids in
French Polynesia are excellent and very comprehensive, once you adjust to the colors being on the oppose side (red to port, green to starboard). In Huahine we went through areas that were entirely uncharted on the charts, but nicely marked with nav aids.