Boat lenders typically look at a couple things:
Age of the boat (over 10 years the number of lenders falls off, over 30 years and you're going to have a problem).
Do you have 20% down payment?
Is your net worth at least equal to the value of the boat (preferably twice as much)?
Will you have another boat payment (definite no go)?
How long have you worked at your present job?
What do you earn and what are your other debts?
What is your overall credit score?
If you have a good credit rating, a descent enough of an
income to afford the monthly payments without having significant other debts, no other boat payment, can put a good portion of a down payment, and have a net worth far above the value of the boat, you'll be able to get a great rate (mine is 4.99 percent). Home
ownership really isn't much of a factor per se (I've never owned one!).