Hi all. We are paring down, squeezing into a small apartment, about a year out of full time cruising. We have amassed a large collection of VHS sailing and cruising videos, plus some of my favorite ocean related docs, etc. So, I'm
posting to test the waters. Here's the deal; I want to sell them all at once, I wont ask much, say $75.00 plus
shipping (which wont be
cheap, but actual cost), and hopefully someone will be inspired by these wonderful tapes to join the cruising community. ALL ARE NTSC
Here's a partial list to see if anyone is interested;
- 16+ Sailing Quarterly video magazines ( Really nice stuff)
- 25+ Jacques Cousteau adventures (my childhood hero)
- 5
Pardey videos, Voyaging, Storm Tactics, Cruising
Coral Seas, Cruising, and - The Care and feeding of the sailing crew.
- Sail mags "The basics" series;
Bareboat chartering,
Spinnaker Sailing, and -
Plus a ton more. Over 80 tapes in all! Some great cruising docs in there too!
Any interest? Thanks, Chris