I have replaced the exhaust pipe( with
SSH-Stainless Steel Corrugated Hose | RubberFab) and the
muffler and tested it. All OK.
I ordered the new insulating blanket material a week ago from some place in the
USA Midwest so it should arrive very soon.
However I'm going ski-touring in the Kootenays for a week in 3 days, so
installation and video will wait for my return.
In 3 weeks the herring
fishing fleet will start to assemble here in Comox for the annual Feb/March Herring Roe fishery. Hundreds of
boats converge on this port for about 3 or 4 weeks so I'll need to move my
boat to raft up amongst the plastic
boats on the other side of this
dock complex, to give those guys lots of room. The fishery opening usually coincides with the onset of cold gales and
I have the aft-cabin mattresses at home for re-covering with material purchased at a Boxing day
sale. This will be the third iteration of cover we've done for these mattresses over the years, and I am assured that this is a simple and quick process (by my in-house textile technician/spouse).
So, I am slowly working away at the
maintenance and clean-up jobs. That means the Silas Crosby will be in even better condition when folks start to emerge from hibernation and realise that they have an urgent need for a vessel such as Silas Crosby.
But the maritime
weather hereabouts has been so benign as to barely be considered
winter. Only 3 frontal systems through here since September! Unheard of.
A person with a good
boat could have set off down the coast for
Mexico from
Vancouver Island or
Washington State in almost any week this
winter. Ridiculous. Occasionally, in winter, small boats have waited for weeks at Neah Bay or Victoria Harbour for a
weather break to make the 4 or 5 day dash to get south, and clear of the SE/SW fronts.
Thanks for the inquiry.
cheers, Steve