16-10-2013, 17:20
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: East coast
Boat: Fountaine Pajot, Mahe 36
Posts: 27
Under Counter Trash Container (Interior Group)
I have just begun personalizing our Mahe "Bluebird", and have a number of projects lined up thanks to the dozens of great ideas in this forum. Here is a simple improvement I want to pass along. After searching everywhere for the maximum size container that would fit under the counter in the trapezoidal shaped cabinet I quickly realized that a cylinder would be much better than a rectangular container. Those pre-manufactured plastic containers that would fit would be too short to be of any use.
Here is my better trash container (less than $15).
From Lowes – an 8”diameter Quiktube (cardboard concrete pier forms) – they come in 4’ lengths
¾” x 8”x8” plywood, 6 small SS screws, paint
Measure the distance from the cabinet floor to the projecting rim of the counter opening below the counter, subtract ¼” – cut tube to this length, paint inside and out, use tube to trace out circle on plywood for container bottom, cut this out and secure inside tube with screws. Line with 13 gal tall kitchen trash bag.
Slide under counter and opening trim (the reason it was cut 1/4" short), raise around the opening trim, and slide a plywood spacer below the container to lock it around the trim.
No more errant garbage, no spills due to container tipping or bags coming loose from rubber ring on trim.