I think a solution within this new FP subforum they have set up may be as follows:
Like you suggest, we make a simple list: What post in the old thread should go into what new thread/categori, like this:
Post Thread (following your categori list above).
1231 5
1232 13
and so on...
So, as we start the new thread/categori, the thread starter list all relevant postnumbers form this list in the first post in the new thread.
This way it's possible to find the relevant post in the old thread fairly easy. If we are lucky, the moderators may even find time to move the relevant posts over to the start of the new post. It should be easier once all information is given on what post goes where.
If this happens, perhaps we could keep the old thread as the "In general" thread, keeping all post not relevant in any other thread here. If they take out the relevant post, the old thread should be small enough and possible to reopen.
We also need to learn how to utilize the tagging system at the bottom of the threads. See the tags below on this thread and try them out.
Do you agree?
However, it's not right that you do all this tiring
work all alone. I can help - I could start in one end, you in the other?