Originally Posted by MIRELOS
We have a Nardi oven on our boat (factory installed).
It does ok but not for elaborate cooking or baking. It is very hard to maintain temperatures specially when opening the door when cooking or changing temperatures. Any suggestions for a similar size oven, I would not want to get into major modifications with the galley arrangement.
Thanks in advance.........also while I'm at it; I hate the two small sinks, useless, why not have one big sink.
s/v Mirelos
That‘s a problem of all gas ovens on
boats. Pizza is black in the back and raw upfront
you can improve it by putting a hotstone that covers the whole bottom of the oven inside, distributes the heat much better but regulation still sucks.
Suggest to get a convection oven/microwave combo instead. Mine needs 230V/1100W on full blow and you can adjust the temps perfectly. Would do it in a heartbeat again. Have
LifePo4 and 3500W/7000W Peak 220V
inverter though, but it also works with
AGM is bank is big enough, it’s mostly around 70-80A at 12V if I do 140 degrees roasting meat, around 50-60A when 80 degrees slow roast.