Originally Posted by VisaView
Fuel consumption on Mahe 36
Hello all,
I failed in earlier post o mention the size of the engines, they are the 20HP Volvo's
I was hoping to get actual numbers on a cruising range at @ 6 knots aboard the Mahe 36
I will be taking delivery This Sept. 24 in La Rochelle and need to know how far she'll go on 53 gallons of diesel.
First of all, if you still have the chance, go for the 30 HP instead of standard 20 HP's.
I own
Orana with 2X40HP
Volvo sail drives, standard props. Never used 2 engines at the same time, unless I am heading to very strong winds, high waves or strong
current. One
engine at 2100-2200
RPM easily gives me 6+ knots.
Volvo web side gives a conpsumption of 0,5 gallon per hour at 2.300
RPM for yr
engine. (assuming that is a new generation D1-20 serie engine). That should give you 6 knots w/out problem. (If not then in my view 20 HP's are too small for the boat)
If you get 6 knots with this
consumption, you should get a range of app. 600 nm.)
Remember, this is for perfectly calm
water, no
wind. If you can sail
motor the range would get longer. Ia you
head heavy seas/winds, that's another story; two engines at around 2.000 RPM would be necessary. Then total consumption of 0,8-0,9 gal per hour is likely and you should average beetween 5 and 5,5 knots.