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Old 12-02-2012, 22:16   #1
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Belize 43 Owners

Hi to all

A question for the FP Belize owners I am looking at buying one and would like to know if it’s a cat that can be handled one up.
I am not planing to spend a lot of time in marinas. I under stand that trying to dock in a breeze one up would be unpleasant.

Thanks in advance
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Old 13-02-2012, 11:56   #2
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Re: Belize Owners


Docking a cat in a breeze with the wind not straight on the nose or from aft singlehanded is always a challenge - I sail my 10.2m cat singlehanded.

One of the tricks I learned is that reversing in against the wind with twin engines is easier as you have more steering control with the twin props - forget the rudder largely. You can see the two aft ends fully and do not have to run so far.

If possible always use the wind and the cat's drift to your advantage. And have mooring lines on all four corners and in the middle of the boat prepared and at the ready and have fenders hanging on both sides!

Equally, when I pick up a mooring buoy I motor past the buoy against the wind until the buoy is next to my transom steps from where I then easily attach a rope which I then leasurely walk forward and attach to the bridle. Once you are attached securely, if not properely / ideally, to the mooring buoy your boat is going nowhere and you can sort her out in time.
Catamaran "Burnout"
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Old 13-02-2012, 12:49   #3
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

Originally Posted by k9spud View Post
Hi to all

A question for the FP Belize owners I am looking at buying one and would like to know if it’s a cat that can be handled one up.
If everything is working properly, sure it can be single handed. AP holds the nose into the wind, lift/drop the main. The problem would be if something breaks or if the weather turns really ugly. I wouldn't want to be trying to raise/lower the main singlehanded and depend on the AP to hold it into a 30-40-50kt wind. But, it's a lot easier to handle with 2.

Originally Posted by k9spud View Post
I am not planing to spend a lot of time in marinas. I under stand that trying to dock in a breeze one up would be unpleasant.

Thanks in advance
Any lightweight boat with 5' of freeboard 43' long is going to get pushed around by the wind. You need to plan for the wind appropriately. I've slammed into a dock harder than I wanted to a time or two, that's what fenders are for. Also made a second pass because I missed once or twice. It's easy to get the boat pointed in the right direction, but out-guessing how much the wind will move you sideways is a trick. Other times I've used the wind/engines to move the boat sideways, but that usual never happens when anyone is watching!
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Old 13-02-2012, 18:11   #4
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

Hi Pete,
I'm also keen on the FP Belize for similiar reasons as yourself.
I agree will your buy overseas option, as Australian prices are falling, but still have a way to go yet.
Just another option for you to consider: there is currently a FP Venezia for sale in Brisbane that is set up for short handed operation with a mast furling main and furling genoa. Similiar in many ways to the Belize (eg. motors in separate compartments, etc) but priced more realistically. Its listed on the usual websites.

Both boats will carry a couple of thousand kilograms of load more than the Lavezzi. However if there's only yourself and gear, the Lav will be quicker, newer and more commonly available.

Best of luck with your search,

Regards Tuskie
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Old 13-02-2012, 19:55   #5
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

hi tuskie
i belive the venezia is sold i had a look over it at xmass to me it was still a bit dear at $334,000 as i recall for a 99 model.
i havent been on a lavezzi they are a lot cheaper.
bleize at around the $250,000 for a 2006 with all the fruit over seas+$80,000 by the time its back in oz seems a lot better deal
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Old 14-02-2012, 02:44   #6
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

[QUOTE=DotDun;886178]If everything is working properly, sure it can be single handed. AP holds the nose into the wind, lift/drop the main. The problem would be if something breaks or if the weather turns really ugly. I wouldn't want to be trying to raise/lower the main singlehanded and depend on the AP to hold it into a 30-40-50kt wind. But, it's a lot easier to handle with 2.

so with a bit of planing,reefing enough and early .
and if there is any question of weather change always be well ahead of it
one up should be east enough?
would you agree. dotdun
i dont want to get a cat that is to hard for me to handle.
but i like the idear of a bit of size for comfort and safty

Any lightweight boat with 5' of freeboard 43' long is going to get pushed around by the wind. You need to plan for the wind appropriately. I've slammed into a dock harder than I wanted to a time or two, that's what fenders are for. Also made a second pass because I missed once or twice. It's easy to get the boat pointed in the right direction, but out-guessing how much the wind will move you sideways is a trick. Other times I've used the wind/engines to move the boat sideways, but that usual never happens when anyone is watching!

one again by planing ahead as in ankering out and docking at first light before the wind picks up should take the stress out.
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Old 14-02-2012, 10:58   #7
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

Re single-handing cats:

Most modern cruising cats are not very well set-up for single handing (not true of all, but of most). Not that it can't be done, and relatively easily, but they are not as convenient to single-hand as say a small traditional monohull where everything is within easy reach of the helm.

For example, most modern cruising cats (not all) have their jib sheet winches positioned on either side of the cockpit -- much like a monohull arrangement. The difference of course is that the cockpit is much wider and thus you have to scramble a bit when single-handed.

A few specific cat single handing techniques below:

Tacking. One way to deal with the not always conveniently located lines during a tack, if you have an autopilot, is to make your turn with the autopilot (Raymarine's have an "auto tack" feature that is quite handy for this). As the autopilot turns the boat you are now free to handle lines. Remember to configure so the turn rate is relatively slow and that, with cats, "tacking angle" and "sailing angle" are not the same -- so set your auto to tack through about 100 degrees and then come up to a tighter sailing angle as you build boat speed. Note that on cats with hydraulic steering you can accomplish the same trick as with auto because they will generally hold their turn without your hand on the helm.

Raising/reefing the main. You can let auto steer the boat into the wind as suggested or you can heave-to. I like heaving-to for reefing/striking sail when single-handed (on either a mono or a cat) because the boat is in a nice stable attitude and I can take my time (key consideration when single-handed). I also don't have to maintain boat speed, when it is otherwise unnecessary or unwanted, for auto to have steerage.

Re-route lines. Another trick is to temporarily lead the lines where you want them for single-handing. Use snatch blocks etc to re-lead the line to a more convenient position or to a more conveniently located winch. Remember when doing this though that loads increase dramatically when lines make a turn around a block -- be sure and use sufficiently strong blocks and attachment points.

Spinnaker handling. One aspect of sail handling that is typically easier on cats is full symmetrical spinnaker handling. With all that beam you don't need a spinnaker pole and this dramatically simplifies running a chute. I typically single-hand my chute with little or no help from crew....even through a busy anchorage (see pic)!
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Old 15-02-2012, 23:13   #8
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

hi bleizesalor
thanks for the sailing lesson the more tip and tricks the better.
a nice photo
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Old 25-02-2012, 05:12   #9
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

How about raising the anchor? I find you need to watch the anchor coming up whilst being at the helm. The FP anchor under the trampolin means that the chain easily gets under the bows as the boat swings aroung whilst its winched up, how do you then swing the boat around on your own. I have anchored alone but not hauled it in alone - I assume that you all have this problem too. Lagoons have the anchor on the cross bar avoiding this issue but having 30kg extra stuck right on the bows.
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Old 05-03-2012, 00:08   #10
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

hi oran
good point auto pliot,remote for winch large mirror,hope its not a deal breaker. does any one have a sigestion of how they do it.
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Old 05-03-2012, 05:42   #11
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

Originally Posted by k9spud View Post
hi oran
good point auto pliot,remote for winch large mirror,hope its not a deal breaker. does any one have a sigestion of how they do it.
Use the bow roller. There is nothing to prevent you from hanging the rode over the bow.

A lot depends on the situation. No wind, no current, use the windlass and pull the chain slowly, the boat will follow the chain.

IMO, having the weight of the anchor towards midship is far more important than being able to single-hand anchoring.

Given the right conditions, anything can be done single-handed. But when conditions don't permit, it gets very difficult.
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Old 05-03-2012, 16:47   #12
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

It can be done single handed but it does take time.

The times that the chain gets under the hulls you need to be patient and let her swing back to the centre or thereabouts then you can raise the anchor some more.

If the chain is getting under the hulls then the anchor is still holding the bottom so you can afford to wait to bring it in. Once the anchor breaks free the cahnces of the cahin going under the hulls is vastly reduced because the anchor and cahin will tend to hang straigh down.

Patience grasshopper.
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Old 22-03-2012, 03:26   #13
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Re: Belize 43 Owners

Thanks DT the whole idea of getting a cat is to have the time to do things at my leisure tacking it slow on an electric winch sound good to me.
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