have a new
laptop, hp spectre, and i loaded opencpn 4.6.1 and guess what?
i cant get weather routing to
work, mainly i cant load boat.xml
laptop sees the folder C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routing\
and the only .xml file is one named WeatherRoutingConfiguration
it shows as a .xml file but my computer has windows 10 home and doesn't see .xml but has a word pad icon ??? meaning the file ext is .xml but icon is wordpad
i loaded a app called xml notepad 2007 but it looks like its meant for a coder knowledgeable in boolean algebra expressions plus when i right click file and choose "open with" the app doesn't load as a option to open file.
in the earlier version of opencpn after figuring out the target for the xml file i was able to load the stock shannon 38 data and then edit
is there something im missing? again?
ps in earlier version i was creating routes saving .gpx files and loading on my
B&G Zeus touch
chartplotter route icons were different but it worked!
thanks for any help