22-12-2024, 10:13
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Re: WeatherFax ...
22-12-2024, 18:44
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Playing a Weatherfax Sound file and Decoding
Here is my experience playing a weatherfax sound file with MP Player and decoding it to become overlaid on a chart using the Decoder and Coordinates Wizard.
How do I get a better result?
1. A better sound file to play?
2. A less noisy or better connection between Opencpn Weatherfax Decoder and the MP Player?
3. Don't use Weatherfax use a different decoder?
What techniques do experienced decoders use?
22-12-2024, 19:50
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Re: WeatherFax does create good KAP files that can be overlaid in O
24-12-2024, 01:13
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Re: Playing a Weatherfax Sound file and Decoding
Originally Posted by rgleason
Here is my experience playing a weatherfax sound file with MP Player and decoding it to become overlaid on a chart using the Decoder and Coordinates Wizard.
How do I get a better result?
1. A better sound file to play?
2. A less noisy or better connection between Opencpn Weatherfax Decoder and the MP Player?
3. Don't use Weatherfax use a different decoder?
What techniques do experienced decoders use?
I've played with probably most of the decoders, opencpn does as good a job or better so maybe a better sound file? This is one from offshore which from memory was decoded in the weatherfax plugin, but have I false memory? ISTR I recorded the sound file then loaded it into the weatherfax plug but can't find that option now
Found a sound file online, but untested
24-12-2024, 10:07
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Re: WeatherFax ...
That is encouraging to know that weatherfax_pi decoder is as good as the others.
Perhaps I should try one of the others too, to learn what is expected.
I've downloaded wefax.file and played it in the media player and followed the steps shown here under Issues https://github.com/rgleason/weatherf...ent-2561291357
I can't help but think that I have not done some connection that is necessary.
1. How does playing the .wav with the sound coming out of the speaker, get entered into the weatherfax plugin? Isn't there some kind of hard wiring necessary to get a good signal?
2. Could my computer have a bunch of static that causes the bad images?
3. The noise from the fax is driving me nuts is there any way to turn it off and still capture the fax?
4. Exactly how does one go about this to get a good Capture?
29-12-2024, 07:00
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Re: WeatherFax ...
David Burch, Starpath Navigation has made a new tutorial youtube about using Weatherfax_pi ASCAT Indexes with predictive grib files. David proposed changes to weatherfax and Dave R. and I have been working on them for awhile, so it is gratifying to see that David is presenting his ASCAT system.
29-12-2024, 07:34
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Quick ways to control Isobar presentation
Here are some ways to quickly control the appearance of Isobars, see the images below please.
In the last two images "Numbers" checked, I can't see the number due to some DPI high density issue.
02-01-2025, 02:56
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Re: WeatherFax ...
Originally Posted by rgleason
When I tried to install weatherfax 1.10.3
for android arm64 using Import Plugin Tarball
I found that there was a message "successfully installed weatherfax 1.10.3" or something like that and yet there was no instance in the plugin list that was checked and enabled.
When I went into weatherfax I just found the two previous versions (which don't work in android) were available so I am not at all sure it installed.
Yes, same for me, it doesn't work. The download wearherfax doesn't Come in the plugin menu After put it in the good place. I will find another app without open cpn to read the HF radio... Thanks for trying!
02-01-2025, 07:41
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Re: WeatherFax ...
Originally Posted by Floxiloo
Yes, same for me, it doesn't work. The download wearherfax doesn't Come in the plugin menu After put it in the good place. I will find another app without open cpn to read the HF radio... Thanks for trying!
Please see https://github.com/rgleason/weatherfax_pi/issues/174
weatherfax 1.10.3 and 1.10.8 do not work on Android.
Here are the 1.10.8 files https://cloudsmith.io/~opencpn/repos...1.10.8+tarball
but I think they are also in the Plugin Catalog.
The Weatherfax interface should be very usable on an 8' or larger Android Tablet. I think we should try to get this working if possible.
Thank you Floxiloo, please report your successes for screen capture and decode, the process and software you are using. I have tried Weatherfax_pi Audio Capture and it processes but the images are not that good. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have tried playing wav and mp3 and mp4 files and capturing those, and I have tried internet web sites like kiwiSDR and WebSDR where you have an SSB HF Radio interface and select the frequency etc. but the Wxfax captured image is not so good. Perhaps my UTC timing is not so good, or perhaps I am not selecting the right USB? Anyway, please let us know how it goes.
07-01-2025, 15:27
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Re: WeatherFax ...
Hi Rick,
Wanted to post to report that the latest update of the Weatherfax plugin for MacOS has solved the problem I was having and now works properly again. Thanks for all your hard work helping me troubleshoot things and to everyone else who offered input!
07-01-2025, 18:24
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Re: WeatherFax ...
Weatherfax 1.10.11 is now available with USA NOAA, NOAA-OPC updates to the xml files, and the addtion of ASCAT indexes and ASCAT B,C. Additionally, Dave has made other valuable improvements to operation.
This version has been tested on Windows, MacOS, RPI and one or two Debian.
If you use Flatpak or Debian, please give this plugin a spin and see if it loads, and report success or failure to the link below.
We need to test all OS BUILDS wiht the "TP Frontend2 Template" before we can deploy to the many other plugins. This means plugin updates are on hold until the testing is completed!
Please see https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums...ml#post3962287
08-01-2025, 03:00
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Re: WeatherFax ...
The 1.10.11 version of the Weatherfax plugin failed on installation on my Android Samsung A9+ tablet running Android 14. Details in the plugins testing thread.
12-01-2025, 08:32
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Re: WeatherFax ...
@Aldebaran17 Manfred.
Is this https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums...ml#post3626325
still an issue with Weatherfax 1.10.11?
@Devman Can you advise as well?
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