This is the heart of your problem.
But since I'm using
Linux, I can't try to reproduce
What does your log file says ?
1) Config dialog test on
Linux :
The parameters on the dialog are ALWAYS SAVED when you CLOSE the config dialog (Samplerate, Device Index, ...).
Apparently, the saved parameters are correctly used when you launch the plugin.
BUT the settings dialog is not preset with the saved parameters when it is reopened (only the default values).
(Apparently, the required source code is missing).
Consequence, if you reopen the dialog and close it, the default parameters are saved and erase the previous values.
==> To use the previously set parameters, don't reopen the setting dialog !!! (as the defaukt parameters would erase the prevous one when you close the window).
Probably something to improve here...
Now, the -10001 value?? maybe the windows version of PortAudio has a problem ? OR windows doesn't use the PortAudio library ???
2) Basic tests on Windows
First, check the sample rates supported by your interface, and set the default inputs and outputs to the interface you intend to use for fax decoding.
If 8000 is not supported, use 16000 or 48000.
One possibility: go to your audio settings, and check that you have deactivated "exclusive access" to the audio interface (I don't remember the exact details).
3) Suggestions :
Open the settings dialog.
Set the samplerate at 48000 (always supported) and the Device index to 0 (or -1, apparently this means "default device").
close the plugin.
Relaunch the plugin.
DON'T open the settings dialog.
Try a capture.
If it doesn't work, post the log file.
Sorry, I can't help much beyond that.