I tried my first Polar file and it sort of worked. I am probably not picking the right points after the first setting of polar information, but when I went to Edit after it displayed, things kind of froze up on a "Mapping Weather Fax" popup. Perhaps these are not supposed to be editid? I was hoping to get the land masses closer to the chart locations by changing my settings.
Nevertheless being able to do this is pretty incredible.
When I do a size multiplier of 1.5 on a polar, there is high CPU useage and "Mapping Weather Fax image" is quite slow (fast laptop used). The remapped image is starting to appear at the top in a strip but it is very slow. I click that window's cancel and the cancel is also slow. Cancel acknowledges and changes intensity when clicked. Machine is working hard. Waited 4 minutes and then used Task Master to "End Task" and shut down program again. Tried several times more and the "Mapping Weather Fax Image" cancel button does not seem to respond. If you hit it more than once a bell goes off. Never seems to quit. This seems to be primarily on polar files, but it hangs up on mercator too when you go back and change the multiplier during Edit.
Leaseonlife are you having trouble reading the Lat/Long text in some of these faxes? I think it might be helpful to have a magnifier or something.
A thought occurred to me about Polars. If you setup a Polar and display it on a chart, then want to fit it better and hit Edit, do you have to hit Reset to reset image, then start over?? I am having trouble with the "Mapping" hanging up, and always have to Task Manager > End task.
Leaseonlife are you having trouble reading the Lat/Long text in some of these faxes?
I am cheating, opening the image in a separate viewer, there I can zoom and move around. This also helps me when the plugin asks to enter lat/lon values and I can't move the chart around...
Personally, I would do the capture of wav, converting to images, including filter, skew and shift, all outside of O.
Then O would just open stored images and it doesn't have to sit for 10 min capturing the wav. There is so much more a wav capture could or should do, including remotely controlling the SSB, run by timer, etc.
Personally, I would do the capture of wav, converting to images, including filter, skew and shift, all outside of O.
Then O would just open stored images and it doesn't have to sit for 10 min capturing the wav. There is so much more a wav capture could or should do, including remotely controlling the SSB, run by timer, etc.
In addition, capturing sound requires very precise time sync. May be quite difficult to do from within a plugin. A lot of technical details are on JWX home page.
+10!<br />
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In addition, capturing sound requires very precise time sync. May be quite difficult to do from within a plugin. A lot of technical details are on JWX home page.<br />
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Precise timing how?
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Originally Posted by rgleason
When I do a size multiplier of 1.5 on a polar, there is high CPU useage and "Mapping Weather Fax image" is quite slow (fast laptop used). The remapped image is starting to appear at the top in a strip but it is very slow. I click that window's cancel and the cancel is also slow. Cancel acknowledges and changes intensity when clicked. Machine is working hard. Waited 4 minutes and then used Task Master to "End Task" and shut down program again. Tried several times more and the
What happens with a smaller file, or better yet, try a size multiplier of .5 or less at first to see if it is working.
I am using a slow netbook and I am only limited by the amount of ram the images takes, so I limited it to 100 megabytes in the program to avoid issues which is roughly 3000x3000 pixels. Most of the time it can process the image in a few seconds, or a minute at most.
Can you stop in the debugger and determine which line of code is slow?
I do not know what Sean is planning to do with Wav or the plugin for that matter.
I do not have SSB or HF and am just learning. Would you share information about the software (& brief of equipment used) and what your process is?
Perhaps I was not clear about the "mapping of the weather fax image" and the wav decoder, presently they are intended to only reading existing image and wav files, so there is no need for them to wait and listen for long periods, they just seem to be bogged down or not responding (hang) when reading an existing image or wav file, in certain situations, where I have to use Task Manager to kill Opencpn. I am not using SSB or HB, but files!
---I don't think we should get things confused because Sean needs some of this information to improve the plugin.
---I do think Sean was planning on having a decoder for HF or SSB, as he has mentioned it, but I expect that will be later after other things are done.
so I limited it to 100 megabytes in the program to avoid issues which is roughly 3000x3000 pixels. Most of the time it can process the image in a few seconds, or a minute at most.
Can you stop in the debugger and determine which line of code is slow?
That's what I expected, thanks for confirming, and the size seems more than reasonable to me. Obviously when the "Mapping Weather Fax image" comes up and works it works fine and fast, but sometimes it does not and just sits or is very very slow. "Cancel" does not seem to cancel it, so I have to use Task Manager and kill the Opencpn process. I was doing this with a compiled Release dll. So now I will go back to the debug mode and try to get code lines for you.
I might have to read up about the debugger to figure out what the process is to get the code line. I''ve been sending images of the MS VC Express with Opencpn in Debug Mode (with the debug plugin dll in the correct directory) when it stops and prompts Break or Continue. How do we get the actual Line number to show? Maybe thats what I have to figure out.
Sorry I am not more help, as I am learning some of this as I go.
Personally, I would do the capture of wav, converting to images, including filter, skew and shift, all outside of O. Then O would just open stored images and it doesn't have to sit for 10 min capturing the wav. There is so much more a wav capture could or should do, including remotely controlling the SSB, run by timer, etc.
Yes I understand and that's a personal thing. Sean already has a number of things like skew, phase, rotate and scale built in. I believe he has already done a lot in Yafax - Yet Another HF Fax program! This program can send and receive SSB faxes (eg: weatherfax) by reading from an audio file or soundcard input. The output is an image. Based on hamfax, but runs much faster. Command line interface.
I think I am just going to try to help by debugging and suggest improvements, I believe Sean has a pretty clear idea of what he wants to accomplish (I don't know that much about SSB so I am not going to influence things here).
JWX Home Page -I've seen this and read some of it. Gets into some detail!
Sorry some of my replies got doubled I was using a very unreliable connection, I'm at the library now.
Originally Posted by rgleason
Sean this is really looking great and very promising. Do you have any requests for testing? any quidance? Should I recompile and give you those messages from the command prompt? Or should I just keep doing what I am doing?
This may sound blunt but to be completely honest I really would like patches and fixes and pull requests to any problems encountered. If this is not possible, I can understand, just keep reporting errors.
Originally Posted by rgleason
I've made a Release DLL and ran that with 3.1.1417.
The Coorddinates Settings can be saved if you use just a single word, like Pacific or Atlantic.
I used to convert space to underscore for storing in the file and took it out when I found spaces worked fine. Maybe this yet another windows problem, I can put it back in, but then if you used underscore in a name it would be converted to space on the next run.
It works quite well apart from the naming of coord settings and that funny business with skew. Thank you Sean, very nice.
Skew correction works very well for me, but perhaps it touches memory outside the array somehow, I will audit the routine some more hopefully fixing it.
Originally Posted by rgleason
I tried my first Polar file and it sort of worked. I am probably not picking the right points after the first setting of polar information, but when I went to Edit after it displayed, things kind of froze up on a "Mapping Weather Fax" popup. Perhaps these are not supposed to be editid? I was hoping to get the land masses closer to the chart locations by changing my settings.
Nevertheless being able to do this is pretty incredible.
Clearly the polar routine was run from your screenshot. It looks like you did not click along the vertical meridian, this is essential. In the resulting output, all the latitude and longitude lines should be straight and in a grid. Also, if somehow the pole is within the bounds of the polar image, it will not work.
Originally Posted by LeaseOnLife
Personally, I would do the capture of wav, converting to images, including filter, skew and shift, all outside of O.
Then O would just open stored images and it doesn't have to sit for 10 min capturing the wav. There is so much more a wav capture could or should do, including remotely controlling the SSB, run by timer, etc.
Yes, and this program could do all of these things as well, including scanning all possible frequencies (for the right time) to find the ones it can actually pick something up from.
Originally Posted by rgleason
That's what I expected, thanks for confirming, and the size seems more than reasonable to me. Obviously when the "Mapping Weather Fax image" comes up and works it works fine and fast, but sometimes it does not and just sits or is very very slow. "Cancel" does not seem to cancel it, so I have to use Task Manager and kill the Opencpn process. I was doing this with a compiled Release dll. So now I will go back to the debug mode and try to get code lines for you.
Break or Continue. How do we get the actual Line number to show? Maybe thats what I have to figure out.
Sorry I am not more help, as I am learning some of this as I go.
Can you go up the stack until you find it? You should be able to get a backtrace. Otherwise, you can set a break point in WeatherFaxImage.cpp:250 in the MakeMappedImage method, and single step until it sticks.
This may sound blunt but to be completely honest I really would like patches and fixes and pull requests to any problems encountered. If this is not possible, I can understand, just keep reporting errors.
Don't blame you, but I've got to do some more learning. I'm not Pavel or the other guys.
Can you go up the stack until you find it? You should be able to get a backtrace. Otherwise, you can set a break point in WeatherFaxImage.cpp:250 in the MakeMappedImage method, and single step until it sticks.