Hello everyone
The VirVoile simulator is an experimental sailboat and
navigation simulator developed by a group of university professors and students.
The simulator is part of a
research approach to
experiment ideas both in terms of naval architecture and in terms of automation (autopilot, automatic controls, course optimisation, performance optimisation, autonomy, etc.).
It can also be used to learn to sail, to train for regattas, to familiarise yourself with
navigation applications such as
OpenCPN and QTVLM, or simply to sail alone or in a
network while waiting to sail in the real world.
VirVoile simulator is free to use, as we want to share it with the sailing community. . New versions will be made available as we progress.
We invite you to take the time to discover it, to familiarise yourself with the piloting of virtual sailboats, and to practise operating the simulator in conjunction with
We will do our best to answer any questions you may have.
Using the
documentation, you can install the simulator and practise solo. Then, once you've got the hang of it, you can try your hand at multi-ship sailing or regattas.
**installation and utilisation documentation**:
We have also created a discord server. Through this discord server you will be able to
- access simplified versions of the simulator directly using a simple browser
- get news about our progress
- report bugs
- send us feature requests.
- get help from other navigators or from the Virvoile team
- benefit from demonstrations
- or take part in the regattas we organise
** Discord Server**
Finally we have also created a YouTube channel to provide you with tutorials and demos
** Virvoile YouTube channel**
Enjoy sailing virtually !
PS: Virvoile 1.9 simulator is the first version supporting
English language (First versions were in french only). Some videos, informations … might not be avalable in
English yet.