Originally Posted by peter-
In Openplotter under KPLEX I added UDP port 3333 but it does not seem to work. Any ideas  ?
I'm not especially familiar with openplotter and am certainly no arduino expert but kplex doesn't pass arbitrary data so your "Seconds since boot" string would be dropped as not being an
NMEA string.
That string:
- Doesn't start with a $ or ! character
- Doesn't end with nmea-0183 terminating \r\n sequence
- Doesn't have a checksum
kplex doesn't worry about checksums unless you tell it (with "checksum=yes" in the configuration). You can also tell it to be less strict about line termination but it's probably easier to correctly terminate your lines in a printf with \r\n.
Downstream applications may be fussier about checksums so that's obviously something you'll want to add for your final code.
Again, apologies for not being familiar with the openplotter interface but I assume that is an interface on your pi rather than the esp32 in which case you want to ensure that that is configured as an *input* interface for kplex. Not specifying the address explicitly may be easier (ie if you only specify the port for an input interface, kplex will listen on that port on all network interfaces)