rumtum, sorry, I later realized I could've been a bit more help. Assuming you're not going to toss windows and migrate to
linux today...
(1) get an md5/sha1 verifier. This one is free from MS and easy:
Availability and description of the File Checksum Integrity Verifier utility
(2) download the
OpenCPN 134 install and get the md5 and/or sha1. If using the MS tool, run this:
C:\wherever>fciv -both OpenCPN_134_Setup.exe
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
58f38961cda0ff2b9ce0520f9c34803b 24126280f309c997955b337f9f3174554c3c1f29 opencpn_134_setup.exe
(3) verify that what you get for md5 and/or sha1 is the same as I do, above. The first number is md5, the second is the sha1. These values are from OCPN 134 today, whatever build that is.
If you have the same value, your bits passed both AVG8.5 and MSSE scans, so you have a false positive, and can report it. If you didn't get the same values, your download is messed up for some reason -
don't install it.