Originally Posted by bdbcat
It is no secret. All the code is there to read by all.
If you actually read the code in context, with embedded comments, you will see this:
// Windows installer may have left hints regarding the initial chart dir selection
#ifdef __WXMSW__
if( g_bFirstRun ) {
int ndirs = 0;
wxRegKey RegKey( wxString( _T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\OpenCPN") ) );
if( RegKey.Exists() ) {
wxLogMessage( _("Retrieving initial Chart Directory set from Windows Registry") );
This code runs exactly once, on initial load from bare metal.
You will also not find any code that writes to the registry.
Would you like to tell why you have never submitted a single line of code to the OCPN projects, despite continual sniping? It is tiresome....
Fortunately I know to read the code. Therefore I wonder why
- you allow your installer to store settings in the Registry
- your code read settings from the Registry
- you don't kill these settings in the Registry
Someone said this was left behind of an old 1.x.x version of
But I see this in Windows10 which doesn't exists at the time of an 1.x.x
OpenCPN version.
European people are always scared about their privacy and don't prefer spyware. Sadly Windows10 is known here for gathering too much user data for unknown reasons.
I don't send a single line of code to you because you ignore it anyway.
Times ago e.g. I have pointed you to your wrong usage of sizer attributs.
It was wrong with old versions of wxWidgets but does not throw an assert as it does now with newer versions. The rules are very simpel:
- don't use horizontal alignment
flags together with wxWXPAND
- don't use vertical alignment
flags together with wxWXPAND
- don't use horizontal alignment flags for horizontal sizers
- don't use vertical alignment flags for vertical sizers
Until up today you ignore that.
Other things are rather stupid for me: Making the chart display unvisible with fogging is e.g. the worse thing I ever have seen. Maybe you don't like any critics but it should allowed to express it.