Boat: Chantier duu Port Rézé les Nantes, Mopélia 2000
Posts: 90
Statusbar plugin bug in L/G display
The attached screenshot contains it all. I stopped the gps and placed the ship in known position (full zoom). I also tried to place the cursor at the same position (during the 10s delay before screenshot is taken).
Ship position reported by dashboard : 48°50' N, 003°25' W ;
Cursor position, reported by dashboard, is the same, at 0,001' !
0 - cursor is located at 71 cm from Ship position !
Cursor position in plug in statusbar : wrong, error = 1' (which is huge !)
The screenshot shows an error in cursor longitude, but errors can affect latitude and/or longitude of Ship and Cursor position, up to 1' (typical). It looks like a rounding error.