for the wintertime and against the covid-19 blues I thinking about a pypilot projekt.
Some questions:
I now running a pi3b+ with Raspbian Buster and
Opencpn 5.2
I can use the
plugin for getting the "brain" right?
For the motorcontroller I´ll use an Arduino nano and a IBT-2 controller.
As actuator something like this:
There is a built in 10kohm potentiometer for getting a position feedback (like
rudder angle)
Where in the arduinocode for the motorcontroller is this resistor (the rudder-angle resistor value) defined?
Pypilot uses a IMU (gyro) for getting heading Infos. Can
OpenCPN use this heading Infos, will pypilot send theese to OpenCPN? Is it possible to use the Headinginformation for eg Radaroverlay?