I think it uses a proprietary protocol to transfer its data.. If there is no plugin for it. Whats the process to get the data out from it? Would it need to be reverse engineered? I'm a programmer, but got no experience with stuff like this..
I have a Simrad forwardscan transducer.
Is there a plugin for it?
I think it uses a proprietary protocol to transfer its data.. If there is no plugin for it. Whats the process to get the data out from it? Would it need to be reverse engineered? I'm a programmer, but got no experience with stuff like this..
This shall require something in the line of the radar plug-ins for OpenCPN.
You will find the same challenges for reverse engineering the protocols and data formats.
Did you made some search if there has been some part documented and reverse engineered already?
I have a Simrad forwardscan transducer.
Is there a plugin for it?
I think it uses a proprietary protocol to transfer its data.. If there is no plugin for it. Whats the process to get the data out from it? Would it need to be reverse engineered? I'm a programmer, but got no experience with stuff like this..
If it's connected using IP protocol it may be possible to use the same method once initializing the OpenCPN gradar_pi and later radar_pi plugin. The reverse engineering method is to activate one command at the time and capture the data traffic using e.g. Wireshark. Then it's "only" to make a plugin to render it on OpenCPN.
The first start for (Navico)radar_pi was a heritage from gradar_pi by bdbcat and this paper: Roboat: Radar
Forgot to reply here. I have a wheelsensor thingy for speed which also has a depth transducer and it used nmea so I can use that for now and once I leave for cruising in august I can get more time too look into this.. If no one beats me too it.. Thanks for your input
Yes, to show only depth values by NMEA0183 is of course standard in O and Dashboard. There's also a historic instrument.
The radar like forward scanner view is quit another issue.
Speed trough water, STW, is also good to have. (Opposite current or not.)
As far as I know all forward scanner transducers works with 180 kHz while other normal depth transducers works with 200 kHz or any other kHz value depending if they are intended for deep or shallow waters.
The way these sonar works is quite different to radars not only because of the different media of air and water.
If nobody knows another sniffer tool than wireshark there will be no chance for reengineering.