Originally Posted by verkerkbr
Yes, it is possible to send route information from OpenCPN to the SignalK server.
Make an extra connection In OpenCPN outgoing (not out en in). At the two dots line below remove all settings. And tick only the ones your need.
Setting UDP localhost and port 2000
In SignalK add a new connection give it a name openc-in or something then:
NMEA183 UDP port 2000 and of course restart.
Now the route or waypoint data is coming form OpenCPN to the SignalK server.
Thanks verkerkbr, i great idea!
I followed your recommendation and setup OpenCPN to send out using UDP port 2000. (I filtered RMC, no need for that)
Signal K now receives APB, RMB, XTE
In "SignalK to NMEA0183" plugin I checked APB,RMB,RMC,XTE
But my NMEA0183 RS232 Autopilot only receives RMC and XTE?
So APB and RMB is not sent from SignalK to the Autopilot, any idea?
Sep 06 18:17:45 2020-09-06T16:17:45.348Z signalk:streams:udp $GPAPB,A,A,0.3442,L,N,V,V,119.1343,T,003,60.5064,T ,60.5064,T*2C
Sep 06 18:17:45 2020-09-06T16:17:45.353Z signalk:streams:udp $GPXTE,A,A,0.344,L,N*5D
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.082Z signalk:streams:serialport Writing:$GPRMC,161745,A,5926.8193,N,01817.6961,E,0 .3,0.0,060920,0.0,E*74
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.082Z signalk:streams:serialport Writing:$GPRMC,161745,A,5926.8193,N,01817.6961,E,0 .3,0.0,060920,0.0,E*74
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.352Z signalk:streams:udp $GPRMB,A,0.344,L,002,003,5927.018,N,01818.386,E,0. 403,60.488,0.144,V,A*50
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.354Z signalk:streams:serialport Writing:$IIXTE,A,A,-637.088,R,N*78
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.354Z signalk:streams:serialport Writing:$IIXTE,A,A,-637.088,R,N*78
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.357Z signalk:streams:udp $GPAPB,A,A,0.3439,L,N,V,V,119.1343,T,003,60.4878,T ,60.4878,T*20
Sep 06 18:17:46 2020-09-06T16:17:46.362Z signalk:streams:udp $GPXTE,A,A,0.344,L,N*5D
SignalK settings.json:
"pipeElements": [
"type": "providers/simple",
"options": {
"logging": true,
"type": "NMEA0183",
"subOptions": {
"validateChecksum": true,
"type": "serial",
"baudrate": 19200,
"device": "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT2232H_device_FT46QF1E-if00-port0",
"providerId": "AP0183-19200",
"toStdout": [
"sentenceEvent": ""
"providerId": "AP0183-19200"
"id": "AP0183-19200",
"enabled": true
Best /Per