Hello sailors
I'm running Openplotter with OpenCPN5.0 on a RasperryPi3+ for
navigation on my sailingboat. I recently installed the MoitessierHAT, and it works well, except that I can't get the
OpenCPN to accept the signals via the virtual
serial ports (se error dialogue as attachment).
The RPI user belong to the group "dialout", and I'm able to fetch the signal via
wifi tcp from itself (extra usbwifi installed).
Openplotter shows that the Moitessier HAT is properly installed, and the name of the virtual
serial port. cat /dev/moitessier.tty and .spi give no suprises (signal ok).
Can anyone help me to interpret the error dialogue? "... You must install serial port (modprobe correct kernel module) or
plug in usb serial device" ? Ideas?
Many thanks
Andreas Vikholm