Here are the plugins that have been compiled recently: Don't forget to take doc off and include necessary data files in proper location for those plugins that require it.
Sean Depagnier's Plugins
In About Sean and Alexandra, Sean writes:
"Plugins I have Authored (not all officially released) "
celestial navigation for computing, checking and teaching celestial navigation
climatology view wind, currents, cyclones and other climate factors based on 30 year database.
rtlsdr manage gnuradio and gr-ais automatically to give ais from $8 rtlsdr usb dongle (linux only)
statusbar customize text on bottom of screen
trimplot view sweep plots and better averaged course indicator
watchdog provide various alarms based on current conditions
weatherfax recieve weather reports via SSB (to computer mic input), convert to kap chart etc..
weather routing compute optimal sailing routes based on weather conditions
"I have also contributed much source code to grib and wmm plugins, and to OpenCPN itself."
--NOTE Sean also has a promising new "Optimized" Opencpn that has garnered great interest and is being tested now as well.
Update - Forum Thread - Version - Git command
1/15/14 Celestial_Navigation_pi 1.6 git clone git://
1/15/14 Climatology_pi 0,5 git clone git://
1/15/14 Watchdog_pi 1.0 git clone git://
1/18/14* Weatherfax_pi .0.09 git clone git://
1/18/14* Weather_Routing Pi 0.09 git clone git://
1/15/14 Rtlsdr_pi 0.8 git git clone git://
1/15/14 Trimplot_pi 0.02 git clone git://
1/18/14 Statusbar_pi 0.02 git clone git://
Also OpenCPN Opengl Drivers and other portions of the program
Helped WMM_pi git clone git://
Helped Grib_pi -Major improvements in data and interface with Ptizef
* Does not compile in MSVC yet
NC=no change
NOTE Plugins compiled using MSVC++ in OPENCPN 3.3.1303 Celestial_navigation, climatology, weatherfax, and weather_routing require a data directory and data. See individual threads or Opencpn Beta File Thing for the data.
Sean has made changes for successful compilation of Statusbar_pi which is attached.
Sean has weather_routing working very nicely now. Head to the Weather_Routing Pi Thread in just a short while....
He's working on Weather_fax, still some problems compiling.
1/23/14 Weather_Routing Pi 0.09 git clone git://
1/18/14* Weatherfax_pi .0.09 git clone git://
* Does not compile in MSVC yet using most current Opencpn 3.3.1304 beta
Please remove doc and unzip. Don't forget about data directoriies. Works with 3.3.1303
Sean Depagnier's Plugins Sean Depagnier's Plugins - Cruisers & Sailing Forums
Update- Ver - Tracker - Forum Thread - Git command
1/15/14 0.50 [+]Celestial_Navigation git clone git://
1/28/14 0.02 [+]Climatology git clone git://
1/28/14 0.80 [+]Rtlsdr git clone git://
1/18/14 0.02 [+]Statusbar git clone git://
1/28/14 0.02 [+]*Trimplot git clone git://
1/28/14 1.00 [+]Watchdog git clone git://
1/28/14 0.90 [+]*Weatherfax git clone git://
1/15/14 0.90 [+]Weather_Routing git clone git://
Testing now [+]OpenCPN Optimized git clone git://
Helped 0.07 [+]WMM_pi git clone git://
Done [ ] Opengl Drivers and other portions of the main program
Helped 2.20 [+] Grib_pi Improvements in data and interface with Ptizef
* Most recent git pull does not compile in MSVC successfully
NC=no change
Plugins recompiled and updated 1/28/2014 and attached below.
Please test.
----------------------------- Plugins Authored (not all officially released)
celestial navigation for computing, checking and teaching celestial navigation
climatology view wind, currents, cyclones and other climate factors based on 30 year database.
rtlsdr manage gnuradio and gr-ais automatically to give ais from $8 rtlsdr usb dongle (linux only)
statusbar customize text on bottom of screen
trimplot view sweep plots and better averaged course indicator
watchdog provide various alarms based on current conditions
weatherfax recieve weather reports via SSB (to computer mic input), convert to kap chart etc..
weather routing compute optimal sailing routes based on weather conditions
"I have also contributed much source code to grib and wmm plugins, and to OpenCPN itself."
About the author Sean Depagnier
NOTE Sean also has a promising new "Optimized" Opencpn that has garnered great interest and is being tested now as well.
NOTE Plugins compiled using MSVC++ in OPENCPN 3.3.1303Celestial_navigation, climatology, weatherfax, and weather_routing require a Data directory and Data files.
See individual plugin threads above or
Sean I tried compiling them and the only one that worked was statusbar. All the ones from when I compiled on 2-23-2014 were not succesfully compiled this evening. Are these plugins now to be done separately? I wonder what has happened. I have also git fetch and git pull opencpn so it is most current, but it will not even open in debug mode now.
Also I tried to send you an email with the MSVCC output but it bounced with calling spam and saying we are black listed. Can you fix that please? I sent an email to you from gmail act I don't use much.
Thanks, Let me know what you think I am doing wrong , or what has changed.
I started playing with weather_routiing just briefly, and I like some of the changes in Configuration > Boat particularly the Rules section is extensive and includes setting user defined sail plans and day and night modes. Really nice!
Note to others. The Boat.xml file format has changed a little so older particularized boat.XML files might be rejected, but the plugin seems to load and run very nicely now without complaints about files missing (I hope I have that right).
This is now a real tool that once setup with your polars, combined with Climatology and the great improvements to grib_pi, Opencpn can be very proud of. I hope others will please give it a work out.
Thank you Sean
PS DLL's Found here
Sean has updated
Weather_routing (still has a few things being worked on so this will be updated)
By the way, the note above is about the 2/23/2014 compile. Currently a number of the plugins are not compiling succesfully in msvc++ as stated two notes above.
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I am still working out details with the mingw stuff.. this allows me to build for windows, and also create windows installers which should allow me to fix the issues with the plugins. Still working out details for creating nsis installers from linux when cross compiling. I can create the nsis installer natively when compiling under wine. I built opencpn with clang-llvm for linux and I was surprised to find it worked with no changes and build with success in only 75% of the time it takes gcc to compile. It might be easy to cross compile mac binaries under linux using this compiler.