05-06-2014, 18:04
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Sean's plugins
have been updated as of June 5, 8pm EST
Find these files under File Thingie 2.5.7
rguser, rgpass under the 3.3.1731 folder.
Note: Climatology exe contains the dll, the data subdirectory and a few files. It does not contain all the data files. Those will have to be loaded separately.
See the CL-DATA 10 7z file and uncompress and put in the data directory. please.
Sean would like Weatherfax and Climatology to be tested hard, because he intends to release them.
05-06-2014, 18:31
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
To make Plugin Packages in Windows
Developers documentation - Compiling Windows
Compiling - Windows | Official OpenCPN Homepage
Compiling - Windows | Official OpenCPN Homepage
Developers Manual, Compiling, Compiling Windows.
On this page go down to NSIS (Unicode) used to build the installation packages for OpenCPN and Plugins
Get it from Downloads - unsis - NSIS branch that supports Unicode. - Google Project Hosting
The NSIS Unicode 2.46 setup file is also included in the GIT repository -> ..\buildwin\NSIS_Unicode\nsis-2.46-Unicode-setup.exe
Direct download link: https://code.google.com/p/unsis/downloads/detail?name=nsis-2.46.3-Unicode-setup.exe&can=2&q=
Download and install it. Due to a "bug" in CMake, which only looks at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NSIS" for the installation location of NSIS and the Unicode version adds its registry key in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NSIS\Unicode", there is some registry tweaking needed.
Previously I had not installed this, so I had to do it and I also ran the Batch file mentioned in the Dev Docs that they say to run to make the registry tweaks.
So run that batch file.
Then add under Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System Variable > Variable = Path under Values add the the path to your NSIS programs EG: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Unicode with a colon in front. Be careful with your editing here.
Then reboot.
Commands to make an Install Package
In the Command prompt
cd ..\o-plugin\climatology_pi\build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --config release
cpart <-- this does the package! just "cpart"
If successful, you will find your packaged exe in this file
C:\o-plugin\climatology_pi\build\_CPack_Packages\win32\ NSIS
looking something like "climatology_pi-0.8-win32.exe"
05-06-2014, 21:52
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Could some windows users please test and report if these work?
File Thingie 2.5.7
I would like to post all of them on the plugin page on opencpn.org for download (except rtl_sdr and trimplot will wait as they are half-baked) so I must get feedback from someone (besides rick) that they actually worked first.
06-06-2014, 01:05
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Requires log-in with user/pw ??
06-06-2014, 01:41
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
09-06-2014, 09:37
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Climatology does not work because isobars are having a difficult time. Have gone back to git checkout ab228cf add data ref and update elnino so far.
09-06-2014, 12:39
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
On WMM_pi.
1 I would have preferred that the "regulatory" name of the plugin to be used: Nom_winxx_piyy_vzz_pi
2 Installing without problem in the folder O 322.
3 By cons, for installation in the folder 331731 0, there is a problem with the installer. See the screenshot attached below. By choosing the folder 33731 O, it does not remove the file O 322.
4 I tested wmm and I did not find any problem. That said, if there is an abnormality in the calculation of curves, I have no way of checking.
5 ° I always hoped that the data provided by WMM will one day be used directly and automatically in O. To do this would require that the data provided by WMM, can be used automatically, in the last line options first tab of O options.
6° Thank you for having joined the French language automatically.
Best regards, Gilletarom.
09-06-2014, 12:40
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
e5ae098 add ifdefs to compile without opengl 1.3
-No errors with cmake, compile and packs, however this has
more difficulty with Building an Isobar Map particularly RH, Sea Depth, etc
If you minimize and then open after the Isobar hangs, the action will be completed.
400abb1 detect gl version, and fix month bug -25 errors
ca4de80 multi-texturing support for interpolations -25 errors with cmake
ec1898f add linear interpolation for day of the month
80e3b39 add day support - works better.
This is the version I will upload now for the time being.
09-06-2014, 12:56
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
climatology_pi_0.8_win32.exe which is from
git checkout 80e3b39 " add day support - works better".
This is the version I will upload now for the time being. It was compiled using cmake and cpack.
For Windows, and it includes current wind, current, etc data.
See Opencpn Beta File Thingie rguser rgpass Look in 3.3.1731 version
Data is included.
09-06-2014, 13:19
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
On statusbar_pi.
1 I would have preferred that the "regulatory" name of the plugin to be used: Nom_winxx_piyy_vzz_pi
2 I do not try to install it in the folder O 322.
3 For installation in the folder 331731 0, there is the same problem with the installer that with wmm_pi. See the screenshot attached below. By choosing the folder 33731 O, it does not remove the file O 322.
4 I note that letters and numbers are fuzzy if the option "blur" is checked in the statusbar préferences. In this case, it is poorly legible. See screen copy joined
5 The presence of the new status bar does not remove the old status bar.
It seems to me that it was possible in former O version hides the traditional tray. But in the options of O, there is more to this item.
I do not see the point of view both versions of the status bar. Should be able to hide the traditional bar.
6 I will send you french file language and so you can add it.
Best regards, Gilletarom.
09-06-2014, 13:55
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
1. I agree, and will try to find the time to do the proper name.
2. Installation, the installer always trys to add \OPENCPN at the end even when you have browsed through C:/, picked Program Files (x86) and found the Opencpn3.3.1731 folder for example. The solution of course is to just remove the "\OPENCPN" that is added at the end, then it will install properly under the "plugins" folder.
It would be nice if the installer were smart enough to not add "\OPENCPN" after a user has browsed and selected a destination.
Please note that we had to git checkout 80e3b39 "add day support" because it does not bomb due to isobar calculation problems not completing properly unless you minimize or shrink the Opencpn window and then maximize, then poof!, the problem is gone..
Hopefully Sean can fix this reversion sometime.
09-06-2014, 14:02
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
hello Sean,
I worked in the spring on the language file plugin status bar. The attached here.
I no longer have the link to the github statusbar. Can you give it to me here? thank you in advance.
B.R. Gilletarom.
09-06-2014, 14:36
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
WMM- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/wmm_pi.git
Watchdog- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/watchdog_pi.git
Weatherfax- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/weatherfax_pi.git
Celestial Nav- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/celestial_navigation_pi.git
Weather_routing- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/weather_routing_pi.git
Climatology- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/climatology_pi.git
Statusbar- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/statusbar_pi.git
Rtlsdr- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/rtlsdr_pi.git
Trimplot- git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/trimplot_pi.git
09-06-2014, 14:44
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Hello Sean,
I installed the plugin trim pad in O 331731.
1 Even request for the plugin name as the previous two plugins.
2 I do not know what to say. I do not understand what it does.
3 I worked on the language file in the spring. I have a version of the language file without knowing whether it is suitable for the current version of the plugin.
4 I do not have the link to the github this plugin. Can you give here. Thank you in advance.
B. R. Gilletarom
09-06-2014, 15:02
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Hello Sean,
I installed the pluginwatchdog in O 331731.
1 Even request for the plugin name as the previous two plugins.
2 I understand what it does. But I do not have the means to test it.
3 I worked on the language file in the spring. I have a version of the language file without knowing whether it is suitable for the current version of the plugin.
4 I do not have the link to the github this plugin. Can you give here. Thank you in advance.
B. R. Gilletarom...
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