Opencpn Beta 3.3.1715 with plugins for Weather_Routing, Climatology and Grib
Download, setup, configuration and running routes.
[Compiled from Sean's Standalone
Plugin System]
Using the following plugins:
1. climatology_win32_pi19_v08_ov331715_pi.dll - most recent git pull
2. grib_win32_pi_v22_ov331715_pi.dll - most recent git pull
3. weather_routing_win32_pi110_v010_ov331705_pi.dll (Older version which works.)
4. Download these files and put in the plugins directory.
and Other Files:
Large 8-day Moving Grib file from today: "GFS20140529021500354.grb" Put in your grib folder.
"WeatherRoutingConfiguration.xml" dated 5/28/2014 11:04pm located in "C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routin g"
--Look at this file with a text editor like notepad++. This file contains
1. All defined positions,
2. Each computations
boat settings
3. Each computation's reference to the polar
boat file used
4. Routing details and settings and sail plan and limitations for each routing.
Other Polar File
references made in "WeatherRoutingConfiguration.xml"
Boat="C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routi ng\TEST2.XML"
Boat="C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routi ng\Boat.xml"
Boat="C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routi ng\WxRtBoatFile.XML"
Download these files and put them in the path "C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routin g"
Make this directory ..Opencpn/Plugins/Climatology_pi/data/
Download the most current data from
opencpnplugins - Browse /climatology_pi at
Download CL-DATA-10.7z and expand it into the directory indicated above. 42 files, 24.8 mb
Make this directory ..Opencpn/Plugins/Weather_routing_pi/data/
and put the file WeatherRoutingInformation.html in this directory.
You will find it in the similar folder on Opencpn Beta File thing.
You will find these files in the Opencpn Beta File Thing
File Thingie 2.5.7 (rguser, rgpass)
Download the files and put them in the locations specified above.
Open Opencpn, Enable the plugins under Options, then open Climatology and Grib with one of the files above.
Make sure grib is at the beginning of the file.
Climatology should be set one the month you need it, but it really does not matter, it just needs to be running.
Also you can show climate data or not, it does not matter for the routing.
Climatology will provide the necessary average data before and after your grib data, provided both are checked.
Open the WeatherRouting_pi plugin Pick File > Open and browse to C:\ProgramData\opencpn\plugins\weather_routing
Then select the file "WeatherRoutingConfiguration.xml"
This file has all the Boat Polar file
references needed for the various routings
(as noted above, put these files in the correct location, otherwise the WxRte plugin will not be able to find them and it will fail.)
Also to get it computing properly I had to fiddle a bit with the following:
Pick Configuration > Edit, then Boat > Edit,
Under Sail Plans > pick New, then highlight the New Plan.
Then go through all the Tabs setting the Boat characteristics in Polar config tab and Statistics Tab.
Make sure all boat settings are right, like beam and
Loa, etc
Then under Polar Config Tab, select Polar Computed button and then pick "Recompute"
Then "Save and close".
Under Configuration > Edit be sure Climatology and Grib are checked.
Click on "Grib Time" and set time step to 24 hours to start with.
Make sure you have good Start and End Positions, I had to remove one of them before a
route would work.
Uncheck options to start with it is faster and causes less trouble.
Set max diverted course to 60
Max search angle to 65
wind to 40
Max swell to 15
Generate angles from 45 degrees to 170 at 5 degrees.
Hit generate.
Under Constraints tab uncheck "avoid crossing cyclone tracks" to get it working.
Under Additional tab leave the defaults 90 degree, -1, 0 seconds, 100 max upwind percentage.
Now highlight the
route and hit Configuration > Compute
Once it is working on one route, you can hit "Reset all" and then "Compute all"
Get one route working then work on the others.
Then try "reset all" and "Compute all".
You can then highlight each route and the new route and isochrones will display.
The window has details about average speed and duration and
you can export the route into Opencpn Route Manager as a Track.