24-11-2015, 12:28
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Sean, after setting the Deadman to "sound" after 1 minute, waiting more than one minute, the alarm does activate and does not turn red.
Similar problems as described above with Boundary.
24-11-2015, 13:15
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by boat_alexandra
You must have one of the alarm actions checked for the alarm or test button to do anything. Does the text turn red?
-The sole Deadman was checked = [X], yes.
-No, the text didn't turn red and no alert nor sound.
-Ahaa..; Now test button played the sound once the alarm action was checked, OK thanks.
24-11-2015, 21:02
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Yes, once you enable the alarm sound, and browse to a good *.wav the TEST button works and makes a sound, as you indicated.
However the Deadman alarm alarm is still not working. -- Right?
The Deadman alarm does not work on my setup. Nor does the Boundary Alarm.
02-12-2015, 18:38
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Opencpn Win Beta File Thingie rguser rgpass
Sean has updated these plugins:
Found in 4.1.1108 PI Win directory.
Projections - Enables use of a greater range of chart projections, because it gives Opencpn greater chart projection capabilities. If you hover or right click on the piano buttons you will see the chart projection type.
RotationCtrl - allows many selections North up, Course up, Heading up, Tilt up, Tilt down, Rotate 5 deg left/right etc. The settings are all in preferences.
Chartscale - creates a small thin slider for changing scale.
Weather_routing - This is an update of a favorite plugin. The menus are better and the settings more cohesive.
-- Sean - "Sail Plan" and "Switch Plan Rules" do not seem to work they way they used to. How does one enter values. Something is not working here I believe.
SweepPlot - This is a very straightforward historic chart of SOG and COG useful for sailing performance.
Thank you Sean.
03-12-2015, 16:35
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Opencpn Win Beta File Thingie rguser rgpass
Sean has updated these plugins:
Found in 4.1.1108 PI Win directory.
Recompiled with the most current opencpn.lib
Now works and sends alarms.
Use the uninstallwatchdog icon and then reinstall this version please.
03-12-2015, 20:08
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by rgleason
Opencpn Win Beta File Thingie rguser rgpass
Sean has updated these plugins:
Found in 4.1.1108 PI Win directory.
Recompiled with the most current opencpn.lib
Now works and sends alarms.
Use the uninstallwatchdog icon and then reinstall this version please.
I tried this, but couldn't get it to work.
Never installed before on this Win10 system.
OpenCPN 1108 from your beta thingie.
Tried the Deadman.
Sound test worked.
Set for 1min.
No sound after 1min.
Also tried the message box option, did not work.
What is the "X" to the left of the alarm in the main window?
I tried it with and without the "X".
Am I doing Something wrong?
03-12-2015, 20:45
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Tried the Deadman. - Best one to start with
Sound test worked. - Good
Set for 1min. - OK
No sound after 1min. - Under "General" section did you Enable? -all alarms -alarms when this window is up etc? one of those.
Did you turn on or "X" the alarm to set it up to alarm?
Did you tell the alarm to repeat with an X and set the time to 15 seconds?
Also tried the message box option, did not work. -Yes check that to start.
What is the "X" to the left of the alarm in the main window? - Turn on the alarm.
I tried it with and without the "X".
Am I doing Something wrong? - Nope I think you are almost there.
Don't move the mouse or keys and watch the count up to 1 min. in about 10 secs you will have an alarm.
Then try some other alarms. Then try using it with Ocpn_Draw Boundaries for anchor alarm or danger warnings.
03-12-2015, 21:18
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
"Enable All Alarms" radio button is on by default after installation, but it appears that the alarms aren't really enabled until that setting is changed;
I changed it from "Enable All Alarms" to "Disable All Alarms" then back to "Enable All Alarms" and that seemed to actually enable the alarms.
03-12-2015, 22:03
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Thank you for making this discovery I will investigate.
04-12-2015, 06:19
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
If you have been using/testing watchdog previously, your opencpn.ini file may not have the required fields. This happened to me for probably 3 weeks.
I would just install the new version over the old one.
During development I guess it is particularly important to use the uninstall_XX_plugin.exe first and then install the new plugin.
This is what I had to do to get the plugin alarm working.
See this post and Jon's below.
My response:
08-12-2015, 19:17
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Opencpn Win Beta File Thingie rguser rgpass
Sean and Jon Gough have made some recent changes to these plugins.
4.1.1108 PI Win DIRECTORY
ocpn_draw_pi-0.4.579-ov4.1.1108-win32 (Jon Gough)
most recent version
master 118ab6d Merge pull request #484 from seandepagnier/grib_concatenation
08-12-2015, 19:47
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
I have removed rtlsdr_pi as it is causing Opencpn 4.1.1108 to fail.
08-01-2016, 12:36
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Sean tried compiling weatherfax_pi
got this error now. Tried to copy gl.h from ocpnv4.1.11301 to src/ and to /include
no dice.
"C:\Users\Rick\Documents\GitHub\o-plugin\n-weatherfax_pi\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" (default target)
(1) ->
"C:\Users\Rick\Documents\GitHub\o-plugin\n-weatherfax_pi\build\weatherfax_pi.vcxproj" (default targ
et) (3) ->
(ClCompile target) ->
C:\Users\Rick\Documents\GitHub\o-plugin\n-weatherfax_pi\src\WeatherFaxImage.cpp(32): fatal error
C1083: Cannot open include file: 'gl.h': No such file or directory [C:\Users\Rick\Documents\GitHub\
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
08-01-2016, 12:45
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Updated opencpn.lib to v4.1.1301 and it worked. Was using v4.1.1108.
Don''t know why it would make a difference though.
Will upload to File thing
10-01-2016, 08:19
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Sean, I'm not sure that "GoodAnchorage" is yours. In the latest vers (File Thingie) it doesn't work well.
Go to key West and double click. After the anchorages load, start right clicking the icons. Most will show the "right click on the map screen" and disappear (in the WP list they have an X thru the eye). A few(1 in 15) will work and asimilar number will show the properties screen with no name and a description of "please right click....:
Can you help?
David Kester
Pegasus IV
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