02-05-2015, 18:17
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
There are two versions of portaudio I think you need version 1.9 not 2.0
Maybe pavel can grant permissions to sourceforge?
02-05-2015, 23:25
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by boat_alexandra
Odd. on linux they end up in .opencpn/plugins/weatherfax_pi along with the xml which is where they should be.
This was somehow leftover dead code and not used. I just removed it.
It should work with file->open from the menu.
Ok.. maybe, but if you are seriously getting weather faxes wouldn't your audio cable be plugged in? Does it take more than a minute to tune the radio? I just I could make the time variable from 1-10 minutes if that would help.
Hmm... I guess I am sailing differently. I figure either the reception is good or it isn't and that's about it.
What program do you use? It would be interesting to compare it. And why not make this one better, because the alternatives on linux (hamfax) are pretty broken which is why I went to the trouble to implement it.
It is meant to but not well tested. For example, it should automatically give an open file dialog, and you can give it the wav file it will then use previous calibrations to remap and overlay it.
In linux they do sit on top.. I think it's an osx issue.
Ok, maybe a good idea I will ponder this one.
Where are you getting these? They aren't on opencpn.org but if you somehow can download them I don't understand why they aren't posted there.
First off, sorry about the turnaround time to reply, busy with some less interesting stuff : varnish...  In the meantime, Peter replied and you understood he was providing the builds of your plugins, which is great.
Now back to the way I've been working with my weather faxes. Like I said higher up, I have a "crude" setup : no SSB transceiver, no ham radio, just a plain world band radio (Sony ICF-SW7600GR : link here). That's plugged in to my computer and to my isolated backstay. You guys probably have a much better setup, the SSB probably has an attenuator box, your computer can control the frequencies, etc. My setup works, and I like its simplicity, but it does require a little bit more attention and supervision. For instance, as a simple example, I have to manually switch between frequencies to check which one is best when there are several transmitting simultaneously. And since most stations don't transmit anything before the actual fax, I can't do that beforehand (I love the ones which send out a simple sinewave for a minute or two before !).
Up to now, I had a Windows PC and the software I had settled on was SeaTTY (link here, with 2 screenshots). But for other reasons, I gradually switched to Macs and our last PC died last year, so I've been trying out fldigi (link here) which is way overkill and quite clumsy to use, but works and provides the very nice waterfall diagram at the bottom (screen shots on the fldigi wiki). If you remember that my radio has a knob for finetuning the frequency, it means that the frequency might make slight variations after I stop touching the knob, and that allows for precise tracking of where the 2 frequency peaks are. The spectrum analysis chart of SeaTTY also did nicely (top part of the window in the first screenshot on the provided link).
Now, I agree that if the OpenCPN plugin could do it all in one shot, with no external software needed, why not ? I'm fine with either of these organizations, in descending order of preference :
1/ Having OpenCPN demodulate the audio and plot the chart automagically
2/ Demodulating the audio in external software and feeding the image to OpenCPN (I like to see the image while it's receiving to check that it's OK).
3/ Recording the audio in external software and feeding that to OpenCPN (fine, but would probably also demod the image while receiving to check that it's OK).
Now if I understand correctly, you say that 3/ is what the plugin does today. 2/ also seems to be possible (but you have to reenter the calibration each time), right ? In any case, it's not really clear if File > Open is expecting an audio file or an image file... And when I open an image, it directs me to the calibration windos, whereas it would be great to be able to use a predefined calibration from the HF schedule or the internet database.
Option 1/ would be great, and I would gladly test that for you ! If you are interested, I can try and draw up a list of essential features and a list of nice to haves.
One I can think of now is to allow for other types of projections than Mercator. NOAA faxes are great, but charts from NZ, Australia, Chile, or the UK are conical or polar and would need to be supported.
Another would be to have some kind of path and filename management for where faxes are received and stored (I like to keep my faxes for more than 24 hours, for reference later). SeaTTY gives the file a name based on the timestamp, for example, and one folder a day would make sense.
Another features I liked in SeaTTY is the Auto Frequency Control, where the program would continually try to adapt the black and white frequencies during reception. Skew correction like you have is great too (and fundamental if you want to calibrate the chart).
Let me know if you need any additional feedback.
03-05-2015, 05:13
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Note: When compiling the plugin you need to extract wf_depends.7z (see https://github.com/seandepagnier/weatherfax_pi) if you do not find buildwin directory with approximately 9-11 files including curlib.dll, portaudio_x86.dll, PVWCON32.exe, etc. when you git clone.
Is the "portaudio_x32.dll" dated 7/17/2014 253kb in "wf_depends.7z" the version 2.0?
http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/index.html (now shows v2.0)
03-05-2015, 05:32
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Found this PortAudio - an Open-Source Cross-Platform Audio API
says stable version is 1.9 dated Jan 30, 2014 "<---you probably want this" is what it says.
So I am guessing we have version 2.0 in the wf_depends.7z, but maybe someone could clarify.
Later: Just found out that is all the files to compile it! Not the dll.
03-05-2015, 05:41
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by rgleason
Found this PortAudio - an Open-Source Cross-Platform Audio API
says stable version is 1.9 dated Jan 30, 2014 "<---you probably want this" is what it says.
So I am guessing we have version 2.0 in the wf_depends.7z, but maybe someone could clarify.
Later: Just found out that is all the files to compile it! Not the dll.
The problem I have is for OSX only. The portaudio files I installed are version 1.9. I think the runtime link to the portaudio lib does not work for some reason. Probably some setting in the makefiles??
03-05-2015, 08:06
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by ptulp
I found out that the OSX version was not build with the portaudio library on my system.
So I installed the portaudio libs (brew install portaudio) and reran the build.
Now I could see that the portaudio libs were found during cmake:
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found Portaudio: /usr/local/lib/libportaudio.dylib
-- Portaudio Found
-- *** Staging to build weatherfax_pi ***
-- Found wxWidgets: TRUE
Build completes without errors.
Install of the plugin completes also without problems, but when I start OpenCPN the plugin refuses to load with the following error on opencpn.log:
21:23:43 CEST: PlugInManager: Loading PlugIn: /Applications/OpenCPN.app/Contents/PlugIns/weatherfax_pi/libweatherfax_pi.dylib
21:23:43 CEST: Error: dlopen(/Applications/OpenCPN.app/Contents/PlugIns/weatherfax_pi/libweatherfax_pi.dylib, 2): Symbol not found: _Pa_CloseStream
Referenced from: /Applications/OpenCPN.app/Contents/PlugIns/weatherfax_pi/libweatherfax_pi.dylib
Expected in: flat namespace
in /Applications/OpenCPN.app/Contents/PlugIns/weatherfax_pi/libweatherfax_pi.dylib
21:23:43 CEST: PlugInManager: Cannot load library: /Applications/OpenCPN.app/Contents/PlugIns/weatherfax_pi/libweatherfax_pi.dylib
Looks like there is still a problem with the portaudio libs.
Am I missing something?
Maybe you can uncomment CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON in PluginConfigure.cmake and post the output. Is it linking with the portaudio library? Can you run "nm libportaudio.so | grep Pa_C" or maybe it's a different name on osx..
Originally Posted by belle-isle
Now back to the way I've been working with my weather faxes. Like I said higher up, I have a "crude" setup : no SSB transceiver, no ham radio, just a plain world band radio (Sony ICF-SW7600GR : link here). That's plugged in to my computer and to my isolated backstay. You guys probably have a much better setup, the SSB probably has an attenuator box, your computer can control the frequencies, etc. My setup works, and I like its simplicity, but it does require a little bit more attention and
I have a tecsun pl600 I think similar to what you have, except I use the internal antenna which works well enough.
supervision. For instance, as a simple example, I have to manually switch between frequencies to check which one is best when there are several transmitting simultaneously. And since most stations don't transmit anything before the actual fax, I can't do that beforehand (I love the ones which send out a simple sinewave for a minute or two before !).
Sure the first image you have to play with the radio, but after that you pretty much know which frequency to use.
Up to now, I had a Windows PC and the software I had settled on was SeaTTY (link here, with 2 screenshots). But for other reasons, I gradually switched to Macs and our last PC died last year, so I've been trying out fldigi (link here) which is way overkill and quite clumsy to use, but works and provides the very nice waterfall diagram at the bottom (screen shots on the fldigi wiki). If you remember that my radio has a knob for finetuning the frequency, it means that the frequency might make slight variations after I stop touching the knob, and that allows for precise tracking of where the 2 frequency peaks are. The spectrum analysis chart of SeaTTY also did nicely (top part of the window in the first screenshot on the provided link).
Ok.. maybe, but why do you need spectrum analysis? I don't understand what purpose it serves other than something nice to look at.
Now, I agree that if the OpenCPN plugin could do it all in one shot, with no external software needed, why not ? I'm fine with either of these organizations, in descending order of preference :
1/ Having OpenCPN demodulate the audio and plot the chart automagically
2/ Demodulating the audio in external software and feeding the image to OpenCPN (I like to see the image while it's receiving to check that it's OK).
Ok, I didn't consider this option, but it should be trivial to support opening either a wav or image file. Maybe it already works? Keep in mind that most of the radio faxes are not pre-calibrated like internet retrieval because I am unable to pick them up.
3/ Recording the audio in external software and feeding that to OpenCPN (fine, but would probably also demod the image while receiving to check that it's OK).
Now if I understand correctly, you say that 3/ is what the plugin does today. 2/ also seems to be possible (but you have to reenter the calibration each time), right ? In any case, it's not really clear if File > Open is expecting an audio file or an image file... And when I open an image, it directs me to the calibration windos, whereas it would be great to be able to use a predefined calibration from the HF schedule or the internet database.
Option 1/ would be great, and I would gladly test that for you ! If you are interested, I can try and draw up a list of essential features and a list of nice to haves.
One I can think of now is to allow for other types of projections than Mercator. NOAA faxes are great, but charts from NZ, Australia, Chile, or the UK are conical or polar and would need to be supported.
Already supported.
Another would be to have some kind of path and filename management for where faxes are received and stored (I like to keep my faxes for more than 24 hours, for reference later). SeaTTY gives the file a name based on the timestamp, for example, and one folder a day would make sense.
they are stored in ~/.opencpn/plugins/weatherfax on linux
Another features I liked in SeaTTY is the Auto Frequency Control, where the program would continually try to adapt the black and white frequencies during reception. Skew correction like you have is great too (and fundamental if you want to calibrate the chart).
Let me know if you need any additional feedback.
I suppose it could do automatic skew correction... Also possible to adapt the black and white frequencies (you can manually change them while it decodes but it's not automatic)
I keep thinking hf weatherfax is obsolete... I just don't understand why they don't broadcast compressed gribs instead. Of couse using less bits for the data fields than regular gribs because we don't need 1.01 knots of wind... Then after 5 minutes it would have transmitted all the gribs for the entire week and could repeat.. each time it repeats you would fill in more areas on the map where the checksums failed due to bad reception.
03-05-2015, 08:19
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Sean, is there any way to support the Pactor modems? If so this plugin would be way more useful to us old guys that have marine SSB, Pactor and SailMail. The Pactor modem uses the old AT modem command set so talking to it is just like talking to a serial (or USB) port modem with AT commands.
03-05-2015, 08:46
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by boat_alexandra
Maybe you can uncomment CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON in PluginConfigure.cmake and post the output. Is it linking with the portaudio library? Can you run "nm libportaudio.so | grep Pa_C" or maybe it's a different name on osx..
Running nm gives:
nm /usr/local/lib/libportaudio.a | grep Pa_C
0000000000000ed3 T _Pa_CloseStream
0000000000002098 S _Pa_CloseStream.eh
I have the following three libs:
/usr/local/lib/libportaudio.dylib (which is linked to libportaudio.2.dylib)
Here the output of the make with VERBOSE on. Looks like it does not link
with the portaudio lib.
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -H/Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi -B/Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles/progress.marks
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/weatherfax-i18n.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/weatherfax-i18n.dir/depend
cd /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles/weatherfax-i18n.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/weatherfax-i18n.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/weatherfax-i18n.dir/build
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles 2
[ 1%] weatherfax_pi-i18n: Done.
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
[ 24%] Built target weatherfax-i18n
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/depend
cd /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/build
Linking CXX shared library libweatherfax_pi.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/c++ -I/usr/local/include/wx-3.0 -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.7 -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Wl -undefined dynamic_lookup -o libweatherfax_pi.dylib -install_name /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/libweatherfax_pi.dylib CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/weatherfax_pi.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/FaxDecoder.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/DecoderOptionsDialog.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/WeatherFax.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/WeatherFaxWizard.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/WeatherFaxUI.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/WeatherFaxImage.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/SchedulesDialog.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/InternetRetrievalDialog.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/AboutDialog.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/icons.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wximgkap.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/base.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/dav.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/davtool.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/dialog.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/ftp.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/ftpparse.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/ftptool.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/http.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/panel.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/telnet.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/thread.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/wxcurl/utils.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/aupv.c.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/error.c.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/extended.c.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/g711.c.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/AIFF.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/AVR.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/CAF.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/IFF.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/IRCAM.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/NIST.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/NeXT.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Raw.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/SampleVision.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/VOC.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/AudioFormat.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/File.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/FileHandle.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Instrument.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Loop.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Marker.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Miscellaneous.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Setup.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/Track.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/UUID.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/WAVE.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/aes.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/af_vfs.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/compression.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/data.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/debug.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/format.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/openclose.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/pcm.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/query.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/units.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/util.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/FileModule.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/G711.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/IMA.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/MSADPCM.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/Module.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/ModuleState.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/PCM.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/RebufferModule.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/libaudiofile/modules/SimpleModule.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/tinyxml/tinyxml.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/tinyxml/tinyxmlparser.cpp.o CMakeFiles/weatherfax_pi.dir/src/tinyxml/tinyxmlerror.cpp.o -L/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/libz.dylib /usr/lib/libcurl.dylib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib
Running ld for x86_64 ...
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
[100%] Built target weatherfax_pi
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.2.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/petertulp/Devel/weatherfax_pi/build/CMakeFiles 0
03-05-2015, 19:23
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by transmitterdan
Sean, is there any way to support the Pactor modems? If so this plugin would be way more useful to us old guys that have marine SSB, Pactor and SailMail. The Pactor modem uses the old AT modem command set so talking to it is just like talking to a serial (or USB) port modem with AT commands.
It is possible, but I don't understand what it would do. I cannot implement this because I don't have a pactor modem.
Originally Posted by ptulp
Running nm gives:
nm /usr/local/lib/libportaudio.a | grep Pa_C
0000000000000ed3 T _Pa_CloseStream
0000000000002098 S _Pa_CloseStream.eh
I have the following three libs:
/usr/local/lib/libportaudio.dylib (which is linked to libportaudio.2.dylib)
Here the output of the make with VERBOSE on. Looks like it does not link
with the portaudio lib.
Hmm... Can you manually add it?
On linux, you don't need to link with portaudio because opencpn links with it already for sound, but the plugin does appear to link with it (would work if opencpn is compiled _without_ portaudio support) It is handled in a funny way though, not -lportaudio as I would expect. I will investigate later.
03-05-2015, 19:57
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Originally Posted by boat_alexandra
It is possible, but I don't understand what it would do. I cannot implement this because I don't have a pactor modem.
It would do a few things.
1) It would make the quality of faxes better because the Pactor modem does some real time DSP that is difficult to do on low powered machines.
2) The Pactor modem can control several different radios so automated and unattended fax reception would be possible. The plugin could scan the active frequencies and find the best quality fax. It could also use the best frequency for the current location and UTC time.
3) Once Pactor modem protocol is in the plugin other types of weather info are possible such as navtex forecasts and warnings.
I'll think about how to deal with not having a Pactor. There may be a solution.
04-05-2015, 04:02
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
As for pactor modem support.. I am all for it and accepting patches but until I have a pactor modem I cannot implement anything. I don't even have a ssb transmitter, only a receiver.
I don't really understand what the pactor can do that the computer cannot with filtering besides maybe save some cpu. As it is, decoding the fax uses little cpu, a raspberry pi is more than enough. As for navtex, this should also be possible already without a pactor modem, but just isn't supported because I don't understand the protocol and I'm not in range of any navtex transmissions.
04-05-2015, 04:14
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
NAVTEX stations NAVAREA XI. Range should be 500nm
04-05-2015, 04:54
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
Where do you get that map? I need to know the frequencies.
Do you know any free software that can decode it? I suspect my radio is not capable but I could try and see. It would be great to build support into the plugin.
04-05-2015, 05:00
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
There is just one frequency: 518kHz
The different stations are using time slots
A lot of information here:
PC Navtex > Home
NTMs and NAVTEX for XI:
Location Map
04-05-2015, 07:31
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Re: Sean Depagnier's Plugins
I looked on the pcnavtex site, but there is no way I can download their source code to decode navtex. I need to understand this protocol to decode it like weatherfax.
I think it should probably be a separate plugin, possibly could communicate with weatherfax to avoid schedule collision (if on the same audio input)
I will try listening to 518khz but so far I am not hearing anything but static.
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