Originally Posted by elan 333
since yesterday I'm not able to download anymore Navionics charts.
Same error message with ArcGIS !
What’s happening?
Likely you are getting blocked somewhere due to excessive
internet use or excessive access to
Navionics and ArcGIS. In general, websites are getting slammed by bad actors. Just happened to NoForeignLand a few days ago, so they've put in extra protection from
single users, or an IP address range, hammering them.
Try a different mechanism to access the
internet... if you're using Starlink, switch to cell, or your friend's cable connection. If on cell, switch to a different cell provider (try a friend's hotspot just to check), or cable.
Try a VPN (a good quality VPN, not a free one) and choose another first world country for your VPN access point. It might help.
I can access both Navionics and ArcGIS, right now, so if you are still having problems, it's on your end.