Hi all,
I have asked about this before but this is a more detailed description of the problem. Can not get S63 (NZ
ENC charts) to
work with MBTiles (satellite overlays
Fiji & Tonga) in version 5.8. This was working fine in 5.6.
Problem : have
charts in separate directories (see
screen shot). Initially S63
charts are displayed and MBTiles are “off”. Zoom in on area of interest and S63 is displayed and an outline of MBTile is shown along with “chart Piano” along the bottom with the MBTile turned off. When I turn the MBTile on and LEAVE the cursor on the chart piano both charts are displayed (see screenshots), however as soon as cursor is moved off the chart piano the S63 chart disappears leaving only the MBTile. When I turn the MBTile off again the S63 chart does not re-appear. The only way to get the S63 chart back is to restart
I am running
OPENCPN on a MacMini Apple M1 OS – Ventura and also on MacLaptop Apple M1 Max OS – Ventura(latest OS). I have included screenshots of the settings.
To re-iterate this was all working in 5.6 and the only change I made was to update to 5.8.4 and I have tried the newly released 5.9 for MACOS version and it still doesn’t
work. I think there is a bug.
Any help/suggestions gratefully received.