RASTOW - raster stow contraction - is a
Linux script which organize your rasters navigational
charts (RNC's - *.kap files) in subdirectories by latitude and longitude. This chart format is bitmap and need much more space than vector
charts, so it's interesting to load only the needed zone in your
chartplotter or in your working device
storage. Rastow operate acccording to timezone, by 15° steps in longitude, above and below 45° in latitude N/S, which make a total of 96 subdirectories. The created database may be bigger than the original base because a map can have a part in more than one timezone or <45° to >45° in lat, and it resides in all the timezone subs covered. So, Rastow can create only symlinks to your collection if your
storage space is critical. At the end of the operation a chartlist.txt is created, containing informations of your collection.
About raster charts: theses charts are not so powerfull and practical than vector charts (no more details zooming), but generally come from original charts edited by officials hydrographics services, the source of vectors charts, so, sometime they may have more details than
commercial vector charts or it is usefull to consult its in case of doubt. Some others people have the homesickness of paper chart look and feel, and theses charts keep the same aspect.
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