First Soltek:
No news for the homepage as such.
The official Swedish charts are always updated when new editions are issued.
I've tried
Google translate on that site and it seems rather accurate although I tested Swedish (Svenska) to
English to be able to check it's quality.
How to pay reg key:
On left menu select: "Chart" > "Download
BSB charts, Buy reg key".
I've used this procedure to buy the complete Swedish charts catalog named CDSV, for around 100€. (Including inland waterways. Göta Kanal)
But...........To actually buy the Reg key it seems you've to leave Google translate and follow the same track: (left menu) >> Sjökort >> "Nedladdning
BSB sjökort, Köpa reg key" >> "Registernyckel sjökort Sverige CDSV" --- 995 kr >> Click "Köp" (= Buy)
In the upper part one "Registernyckel sjökort Sverige CDSV" should now been added to checklist. Click button "Till kassan" (= checkout) >> Label: "Kortbetalning" (= Pay by card. Visa, Master.. etc)
radio button: "Vid nedladdning av mjukvara, sjökort och kartor (0.00 kr)" (= Download
software, charts........ )
>> Down right: "Vidare" (= Continue) and pay by card as usual. I think you'll recognize what to do here. Otherwise I would be able to support when it's time.
Your reg key will be emailed shortly. (I've sent them a mail questing whether they are able to support a nice Frenchman by the returning reg key.)
How to download chart files:
You've to use there's own site to buy a reg key for downloads. Use this to translate the text:
Unfortunately are the click button's text not translated but to order charts:
Left side Click button: "Köpa kort" (= Buy charts) >> Upper button: "Beställ/Ladda ner kort från hemsidan" (= Order/download charts from this webpage) >> Move down to "BSB Digital card"
Here you select charts of interest and follow the described procedures. Again is Google translate to English rather accurate. You may have to first read the English translation and then try the same to French to evaluate Google's French capability.
If in doubts I could try to help.