Originally Posted by bcn
As contributors to AIShub we can receive the complete stream of the hub.
Just for fun we tested it getting more than live 12.000 targets coming in. No issue for OCPN. On a W10 laptop and an ancient MacMini.
This is the same AIS-stream I have tested with, plus some others.
I'll try to recreate this, just to confirm we have the same setup:
OpenCPN running, no other plugins, just some basemap displayed
- OpenCPN listening on UDP for
- Another machine listening the AIS-stream(s) with socat and generating one synthetic/fake AIVDM-sentence with python aislib per AIS-target
- Each AIVDM sent as separate UDP packet to machine running OpenCPN
Something I should do / try differently? I can try more beafy host for OpenCPN, but this I tried is not that old, basic fairly recent Lenovo laptop if I remember correctly (remoting, so have to check)