Originally Posted by bdbcat
Much more detail required. What charts? What user activity? GPS active?
Thanks Dave
Reproducible Action:
If I'm on the second most detailed map 12353_1.KAP, quilting stays enabled.
As soon as I click on either more detailed map 12352_3.KAP or 12352_2.KAP then quilting checkbox is cleared.
Quilting does
work elsewhere, like with 12358_1.KAP
VGA compatible controller: Intel ValleyView Gen7
GPS is active on /dev/ttyUSB0 and shows the puck's location correctly
gps debug window data is good
Charts installed are region 1 and 5.
Charts viewed are southern NY state Southern
Long Island.
Quilting had been working in earlier O versions, but this is a newer chart universe downloaded from NOAA.
Many different combinations of quilting, preserve scale, smooth panning, and OpenGL have been tried.
glxinfo shows too much to retype, but OpenGL
core profile version string is 3.3
Let me know if you need more info